Chapter 25 – The Lightningheart clan

Third person POV

  Later, they went to a compound of houses surrounded by stone walls owned by the Lightningheart clan just across the street from the city plaza. There Robert knocked on the wooden, double door, and someone opened it. It was Max Lightningheart, one of the cousins of Robert and Blaise and a young man with brown hair.

"Oh, hi there," Max greeted positively.

"Hi there, you must be Max Lightningheart, right?" Robert greeted back with a question.

"Oh, yes, I am. And you?"

"I'm your cousin, Robert Lightningheart."

This response from Robert really caused Max to be overjoyed by their visit. He then gave Robert a quick hug, saying, "Oh, man, we only communicate via mail, but I can't believe it's you in person."

"I know, it's the first time, right?" Robert responded to this.

Max then discharged from hugging and looked aside at Emma, William, and Peter.

"Are those people…?" he asked Robert.

"Oh, this is William-kun, Emma-chan, and Peter-kun," Robert introduced. "They're from the Demonheart clan."

This response really shocked Max a lot, and he immediately bowed his head deeply for a few seconds frantically as a greeting to them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my prince," he addressed to William.

"Come on, you don't have to do that," William happily responded. "I'm not that serious or prideful."

"I see. Well, come in."

He then went back inside, and Robert and the others then went in, before Max would close the door.

Within the walls of the Lightningheart compound, Max made an announcement to everyone in the courtyard about the arrival of Robert, Blaise, and the Demonhearts. Everyone's attention got caught when Robert, Blaise, and the Demonhearts entered the courtyard. As a result, almost everyone in the courtyard gathered around and shook hands with them, especially with Robert and William.

Meanwhile, one of the household servants went to the office and bedroom of the head of the clan, an old man named Aaron Lightningheart, and informed him of the arrival of Robert, Blaise, and the Demonhearts. This really surprises the old man, a sage of old age, and he and the servant then went downstairs to meet up with them.

Shortly thereafter, upon arriving at the courtyard, Aaron was thrilled to see his grandson and granddaughter, the children of his deceased son, and he gave them a deep hug for a couple of seconds.

"I knew it!" he said. "I knew my son would have children!"

"Is that you, grandpa?" Robert asked him while being semi-confused.

"It's me, Robert, your grandpa."

"Hi there, grandpa," Blaise greeted positively.

"Oh, how are you, Blaise?" Aaron responded to her. "We only communicated via mail and letters."

Smiling at him, Blaise replied back, "I'm doing fine, grandpa. Dad's potion shop is doing okay."

"I see," Aaron responded. Then to Robert, "So, how's your studies, Robert? I heard you had passed the entrance exam at Peacewood Magic Academy."

"Everything is fine, grandpa," Robert brightly replied back. "I made some new friends at school."

Then, William bowed his head towards Aaron as a form of respect and said to him, "It is my pleasure to meet you, Aaron-san."

"Oh, you must be his friend, right?" Aaron asked him in response.

"Yes, I am his friend," William answered back.

"I see. Thanks for being friends with my grandson." Then to everyone, "Everyone, this calls for a celebration!"

Everyone in the household then responded in celebration.