Chapter 28 – A Duel with an Old Man

Third person POV

Not long after, Robert and Aaron had a duel at the clan's arena. The rest are watching it.

"Can you beat me, an old man?" Aaron said to Robert with positive determination. "I'm been mastering and perfecting my magical skills ever since in my youth."

"I'm not sure though," Robert replied back with the same positive determination as his grandfather, "but I'll do my best then."

"Bring it on!"

Then, their duel began.

Aaron did his first move by summoning a ball of electric magic in his right hand.

Robert was looking at him with positive seriousness, thinking, "That might be…"

He then tossed it towards Robert while shouting, "Lightning Ball!"

Robert then dodged it with Flash Speed.

Aaron used the same magic repeatedly with enjoyment, saying, "Can you dodge these?"

But Robert kept dodging his attacks.

After a couple of seconds, Aaron gave up and stop throwing balls of electric magic.

And now, it was Robert's turn to attack. Robert then aimed his right hand. "Discharge!"

He then fired a beam of lightning towards Aaron.

But, Aaron dodged it with Flash Speed too.

This surprises Robert a lot, and he commented, "What? You're so fast."

After dodging Robert's attack, Aaron replied, "Ha! Even for an old man like me."

He then readjusted his glasses and then summoned a sword made of lightning.

"Woah, is that…?" Robert commented in surprise.

"That's right, this is called Lightning Blade," Aaron responded. "This magical ability is a tier-5 one and it allows the user to summon and wield a sword made of lightning magic. It's a close-ranged one."

"Woah, much like Zeus' lightning bolt from my previous life," Robert thought.

After Robert's thought, Aaron then charged towards him while wielding that sword of lightning.

But, Robert dodged his attack again with Flash Speed.

Aaron kept on swinging his sword, but still, Robert dodged his attacks in succession. This lasted until Robert got struck by the blade of Aaron sword, producing a short, small cut on Robert's left arm while zapping him a bit. Robert felt that and got electrified a bit, not enough to make him collapse to the ground.

"Wow, that was a bit electrifying, grandpa," Robert commented in positive coolness and enjoyment, "but let's clash then!"

He then summoned and form a sword made of lightning, before charging towards Aaron while swinging it. He then clashed with Aaron, producing a clanging noise with their swords.

"Woah, what?" Max commented.

"Yup, that would be Lightning Blade," Peter responded positively while crossing his arms.

"My little brother was so strong," Blaise added.

Back at the fight, Robert tried to push through, but Aaron kept on pushing through, as if he was stronger than Robert despite being an old man.

And then, Robert, struggling to not lose against his grandfather, tried one more time to stand up and push through. But, that failed and instead, his sword of lightning broke and dissipated, proving to be weaker than Aaron's. But, luckily, Aaron stopped pushing through the moment Robert's sword broke, and Robert fell to the ground in mild pain as a result of pushing himself too much.

"Give it up," Aaron said to himself.

But, Robert wasn't that selfish about winning, so he easily accepted his loss and responded back positively, "That's okay, grandpa, it's the first time that I lost against someone."

To that Aaron thought, "Wow, he wasn't that spoiled."

He then dissipated his sword into nothingness, ending the duel finally.

"So, want some tea?" he asked Robert.

While Blaise was wrapping his little cut on his left arm with bandages, Robert responded back readily, "Sure!"

Although he lost against his grandfather, Robert did acknowledge that he has a lot to learn. But, the thoughts about his mother's clan still echoed in his head, urging him to go to the Kingdom of Saheda to find out. But still, Robert wanted to stay in Keystone for a while.