Chapter 31 – At the Palace

William's POV

At 7 in the evening, while having dinner at the palace's dining room, my father asked me how's my life in Peacewood as a student.

"Everything is fine, dad," I answered back positively. "My life is so good there."

"You seemed to be positive," Matthew II replied back. "I only saw your cold and prideful personality."

"Yeah, that was back in the day."

"Thanks for everything, uncle," Peter said to my father with gratitude.

"You're welcome, nephew," Matthew II positively responded.

But, Emma seems to be upset about Robert, as usual, so she said to my father, "Man, that jerk Lightningheart really ruined my pride."

"Why would you say that, Emma-chan?" Matthew II asked her.

"Because he's such a two-faced person!" Emma responded back.

"That's not nice, Emma-chan," Peter scolded.

"Yeah, you should give him some respect," I added.

Looking at me and Peter, Emma replied, "You guys are so weak-minded! Where's your pride?"

"Come on, Emma, they're just friends with Robert-kun, that's all." Matthew II persuaded. "You don't like their friendship or something?"

"I don't approve of this, uncle," Emma responded back upsettingly.

"Really? It's natural for your cousin and older brother to be friends with him. You should be nice to him. His parents contributed most of the victory against the Kingdom of Vanworth."

Emma was annoyed by it then, and she just sit back and hastily eat her meal instead of ranting out in the dinner table.

With that, my father asked me, "So son, how's your mock administrative work?"

"It's getting a bit harder, dad," I replied back sheepishly. "Do I really need to do it?"

"Well, if you become the next Ruler," Matthew II responded with an explanation, "you don't know what to do if you don't have that kind of training."

"Yeah, I know that, but it's just so hard. Robert-kun's grandpa decided to pass his title of head of the clan to him."

"Oh really? You know that?"

I nodded. "Yes, but Robert wasn't sure about that role, so he needs some time to think."

"I see. Well, he should decide when he was still young. Otherwise, it will be tougher for him once he graduated from the academy."

"Yeah, you're right, dad."

I then resumed eating my meal.

Later after dinner and taking a short bath, I dressed in my sleeping attire and lay down on my bed in my bedroom, the place of my childhood.

"Being the heir to the throne is hard," I thought to myself. "Is Robert-kun now the heir to the Lightningheart clan? He said he wasn't sure, but, is he?"

I then sat on my bed and continue thinking, "Let's just see what future holds for him."

I then grabbed a book from the nightstand, opened it, and started reading it until I get sleepy.