Chapter 34 - Central Investigation Headquarters

Third person POV

After they ate their breakfast, the Demonhearts and Robert went to the kingdom's main headquarters of investigation, the Central Investigative Headquarters, on foot. There they entered the main building, and everyone in the first floor bowed their heads as a greeting to the Demonhearts.

"Good morning, William-sama," they greeted.

"Good morning to you, everyone," William greeted back positively.

Seeing this, Robert thought to himself, "Wow, they respected his status."

After that thought, he and the Demonhearts head to the third floor of the building to meet up with the head chief of the investigative unit, Nate Demonheart. Upon arriving at Nate's office, William knocked the door two times, causing Nate to respond, "Come in."

William then opened the door, and he and the others went in, before William closed the door.

"Oh, hey, William-kun," Nate greeted upon seeing him and his group. "What brings you here?"

He then noticed Robert behind Robert and Peter, and he asked William, "Is that Robert Lightningheart behind you?"

"Oh, he is," William responded. Then to Robert, "Robert-kun, this is Nate Demonheart, the head chief of the Central Investigative Headquarters."

Looking at Nate, Robert asked him, "Um, how did you know my name?"

"Oh, me and your parents are very close," Nate answered back with a smile.

"I see. I didn't know that."

"Why? Did your older sister tell you that?"

Robert then shook his head to say no.

"Okay then," Nate responded back. "Well, regarding about your father's missing sword, we're still at the beginning though without any leads yet."

"That's okay," Robert replied back. "I'll wait, but I want to join as well."

"What? Are you sure about that?"

"Don't worry, my grandfather gave me his permission to join this investigation. After all, it's my father's sword after all, a sole reminder of him."

"I see." Nate readjusted his glasses. "I'll go and ask Augustine-kun about that."

He then stand up.

"Augustine?" Robert asked back.

"He's a high-ranking guard who was in charge of your father's missing sword," William explained in response.

"Oh, okay then."

After that, Nate said to them, "Let's go."

And so, they all went to Augustine's office to ask him if he would allow Robert to be in the investigative team.

Not long after, at the second floor of the headquarters, they arrived at Augustine's desk.

"Augustine-kun," Nate said to Augustine.

Upon hearing that, Augustine interrupting his writing and looked at Nate, responding, "Oh, Nate-san, what is it?"

"Robert Lightningheart, the son of James Lightningheart wants to join this investigation regarding his father's missing sword," Nate made a request to him. "Can he join?"

To that, Augustine thinks for a while, before he asked if Robert is a student.

"Yes, he is," Nate responded back.

"Well, students are not supposed to get involved in investigations," Augustine replied with an objection, "so I'm not sure about-"

"But I want to!" Robert interrupted in persuasion. "I won't rest until my father's sword was found!"

"Are you sure about that?" Augustine replied back. "You're still a student."

"I can defend myself with my magic," Robert responded back, "even learning a Tier-4 Lightning magic."

This alerts Augustine and Nate, and Nate asked back, "A Tier-4 Lightning magic?"

"Yes, he already learned Thunder Storm," Peter confirmed in response. "He even almost killed me back at the entrance exams."

"Wow, impressive," Augustine replied back.

"I can't believe that," Nate added.

"Yeah, he's so two-faced," Emma fretted.

"Don't say that, Emma-chan," William gave her a scolding. "That was rude,"


And then, Augustine eventually allowed Robert, alongside William, Emma, and Peter, to be in the investigation.

"Yes!" Robert commented in happy acceptance.

"I'll help out then," William added.

But, Emma doesn't like it at all.

But also, a Demonheart, was watching their movement and activity from his desk, and was a bit anxious about that. And that Demonheart member is Derek Demonheart, a city guard who involved in crimes like corruption and bribery. But Robert and the others didn't know his true nature yet.