Chapter 35 – The Demonheart Clan

Peter's POV

Later after that, we, including Nate and Augustine, all left the headquarters and went to the eastern district to my clan's compound, the Demonheart estate, by horse carriage. Upon arriving there, we all get off, and I knocked on the front door twice, that is, the front entrance through the stone wall. Then, someone opened it for us. It was Tag Demonheart, one of the members and one of my closest friends within the clan. He had dark brown hair and red eyes.

"Oh, hey, Peter-kun," Tag greeted upon seeing me and the other Demonhearts. "What's up?"

"Hi there, Tag-san," I greeted back. "We're here for the investigation of James Lightningheart's missing sword. Can we have a meeting there?"

"Oh, sure thing," Tag responded back. "Come in, you guys."

We then all went in, and Tag shut the door.

Inside the estate, as we are walking, Tag looked at Robert, who was uncomfortable being inside of a compound of another clan. It seems that Tag is curious about Robert.

"Who are you?" he asked Robert.

"Oh, um, I'm Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart and Windheart clans," Robert responded back. "Nice to meet you, uh."

"My name is Tag Demonheart," Tag happily replied back with an introduction. "Nice to meet you, too, Robert-kun."

Upon seeing this, I thought, "Wow, they're getting along already."

Not long after, we arrived at the main house, where we meet up with the current head of the Demonheart clan, an old man and master of demon fire magic named Caz Demonheart, who was reading a thick book.

"Caz-sama," Augustine said to him after we entered Caz's office.

Upon hearing him, Caz looked at him and us., "Ah, Augustine, are you supposed to be at work today?"

"We will have a meeting concerning about James Lightningheart's missing sword," Nate responded back.

This mildly shocks the old man.

"What? You mean one of the heroes during the recent war with Vanworth?" he asked back.

Then, Robert stepped in. "It was my father's sword. I want to get it back. Whoever did it must be a thief."

"Ah, you must be a Lightningheart member, right?" Caz asked him back.

Robert then nodded. "Yes, and my name is Robert Lightningheart, the son of James Lightningheart."

He then bowed slightly as a greeting to Caz for a few seconds.

"Nice to meet you, Robert Lightningheart," Caz responded back. "I'm Caz Demonheart, the current head of this clan."