Chapter 44 – The Auction Event

Third person POV

Later, at the training ground within the Lightningheart estate, while Blaise was training her magic, Robert was thinking and pondering about the Summon magic ability. Although he didn't write that down, he was now writing it in his own words as much as possible in his small leather journal with a quill pen. After that, he was wondering, "How can I get that much mana?" This lasts until bedtime after dinner.

The next morning, after waking up and eating a light breakfast, Robert and Blaise dressed up in their casual clothes and went out to attend the auction event that was being held at the Keystone Trade Exchange, and it will start at 9 in the morning. Meanwhile, at the same time, at the Central Investigation Headquarters, Nate and Augustine held an early meeting with the city guards, explaining to them what they will do during the auction event in detail. Derek was there, and he seems to pay attention at it, while Colt was suspicious of him the whole time.

Not long after, Robert and Blaise had arrived at the entrance of the grand building of the Keystone Trade Exchange, just an hour before the auction event starts. They then entered in and bought two tickets for the event for 10 gold coins each, before going on to find the best seats available for the view. After much searching, they found some and they settled there.

"Man, big sis," Robert said to Blaise, "I'm so excited for this."

"Yeah, this is the first time," Blaise responded back.

Meanwhile, two people from Vanworth, dressed in the best clothes ever, are sitting at the bottom front anticipating for best auction price as they can. At the same time, most of the city guards are on stand by at the entrances and exits of the building to make sure that no suspicious person would leave the event.

Then, at exactly 9 in the morning, the auction event had begun, with the auctioning host saying very rapidly about each of the items being auctioned off while those at the front of the hall raised their signs containing price numbers for a particular item. Some of those items reached above 100 gold coins while others clocked in over 200 gold coins.

The audience in the back top are observing the auctions carefully and cautiously, jotting down every change and shift in prices. Robert and Blaise are watching it carefully. Max wasn't there because he wasn't interested in auction events either.

Then, two-thirds of the items were auctioned off, and another set of them are now waiting to be auctioned. Among these is James' sword. Derek was there, in his city guard's uniform, claiming that he found it at a battlefield site. Upon seeing it from the distance, Robert and Blaise are surprise to see that being on auction. Robert was right about this.