Chapter 45 – Masanori Kawabata

Third person POV

Then, when the two would-be buyers from Vanworth raised their signs that say, "700 gold coins", the auction host closed the auction of James' sword off.

In a quick response to that, Robert's attitude quickly shifted from observing to serious.

"That's my dad's sword!" he yelled out loudly as he stood up, interrupting the auction event. Everyone looked at him as their attentions were caught by his reckless reaction.

"What is it, young kid?" the auction host asked him back despite the distance between him and Robert.

Robert and Blaise then went down to the front and climbed up on the stage.

Robert then pointed his finger towards his father's sword. "That's my dad's sword, sir. The truth is, someone stole it from our estate."

"Is that true?" the auction host asked back.

Then, Nate, who had been in the audience the whole time, stood up and went to the stage, responding, "Yes, and we suspected that Derek Demonheart is behind this."

Derek, who got exposed in front of everyone in the hall, quickly grabbed the sword and fled the scene.

"Come back here, you traitor!" Robert responded to this, before chasing after Derek.

"Robert-kun, wait up!" Blaise said to Robert as she tries to catch up with her younger brother.

At the same time, the two would-be buyers tried to leave the place, but they were caught by the city guards, and they were arrested.

In the backrooms, Derek dashed through the hallways while shoving people out of the way as Robert and Blaise chases after him.

Then, Derek tried to escape the building via a back door, but the city guards, who had been guarding the back door the whole time, quickly apprehended him.

"So it's you all along?" Nate walked closer to him.

"Damn you all!" Derek cursed in response.

"You're under arrest for burglary, smuggling, and bribery," Nate replied back.

But then, Derek used an earth magical ability, summoning pillars of earth from the ground and used them to hit Nate and the city guards.

Robert, Blaise, William, Emma, and Peter came to the scene in time, and witnessed Derek's other magical ability.

"Woah, what is that?" Robert asked in his mind.

Once Nate and the city guards are down on the ground, Derek grabbed the sword and fled. "Ha! You'll never catch me!"

But then, a young man, with black hair, scarlet red eyes, and slightly tanned skin, punched him in the face and did a karate kick on him in front of those around him. It was Masanori Kawabata, the weapons instructor and expert from the Shogunate of Kita, who just visiting the capital when he come across Derek running while holding a sword.

Then, Augustine and three other city guards came and saw that Masanori had beaten up Derek, and Augustine quickly ordered the city guards to arrest Derek up. The three city guards did so, and they arrest Derek up. Augustine then thought about Nate and immediately ran back to the back door, only to see that Blaise was pouring healing potions on Nate and the other two city guards.

"Nate-san! Are you okay?" Augustine asked.

"I'm…fine," Nate responded as he coughs.

"Nate-san is fine, Augustine-san," William responded back. "Where's Derek?"

"He was caught," Augustine replied back.

Then, Masanori walked up to him holding James' sword with his two hands asking, "Excuse me, is this your sword?"

Upon hearing that, Robert and the others looked at him, and Robert was surprised to see his father's sword.

He then grabbed it and said thank you to Masanori with gratitude.

"You're welcome, kid," Masanori responded back positively.

"Thank you so much, sir," Blaise replied with gratitude.

"I'm just doing my part here," Masanori responded to her. Then to Robert, "Also, by the looks of you, are you a Lightningheart member?"

"Um, yes, how did you know that?" Robert replied back as he carries his father's sword with his two hands.

Masanori then smiled. "I know that the Lightningheart clan had more grey-haired members than black-haired ones. Also, another thing, are you from Peacewood?"

"Yes, but, who are you?" Robert asked back.

"I'm Masanori Kawabata," Masanori responded back with an introduction. "I am a weapons instructor at Peacewood Magic Academy."