Chapter 47 – The Trial

Third person POV 

But, at the same time, Matthew II was furious that one of his fellow Demonheart members is a traitor and smuggler at the same time.

"WHAT? Derek did what?" he demanded an explanation as he slams both of his fists on the desk.

"Apparently, he stole James Lightningheart's sword and tried to auction it off to smugglers from Vanworth," Nate responded back. "He's in our custody now."

Slamming his fists on the desk once more, Matthew ordered that a court trial should be held by tomorrow morning.

"Yes, sir," Nate replied back in obedience. "I'll inform the Council about this."

"Good. You may go now."

With that Nate turned and left the office.

Meanwhile, at the Demonheart estate, Caz was furious that Derek was the one who stole James' sword and tried to auction it off to smugglers from Vanworth.

"I can't believe this," he commented as he places his right hand on his forehead for a couple of seconds in stress. "We owed so much to the Lightningheart clan, and this what they get? I'll be expelling him out of the estate! He won't be getting a single gold coin from me!"

"Are you sure about that, Caz-sama?" Augustine asked back.

"He brought disgrace and shame to our family name," Caz seriously responded back. "So, I'm doing this to him once he got out of prison. I'll make a letter of apology to Aaron-san later."

"Okay, Caz-sama," Augustine replied back as he slightly bowed his head for a few seconds, before leaving the office.

Later, at 3 in the afternoon, at the Lightningheart estate, Aaron received a letter of apology from Caz through Tag, who delivered the letter to him.

"I see," Aaron responded to this. "It's okay. I accepted his apology then."

"Thank you so much, Aaron-san," Tag replied back with a deep bow for a few seconds, "for everything. I hoped this act will not affect our deep friendship."

"That's okay, at least my son's sword was returned to us safe and sound," Aaron responded back nicely. "This won't affect our friendship then."

With that, Tag left the office and proceeds to leave the estate as well.

The next day, at 8 in the morning, at the big main court room, the Council, the governing body of Saverfort, is now in their places for the upcoming trial of Derek for his crimes. Matthew II, alongside his prosecutor and secretary, are in their seats as well. Both the Demonheart and the Lightningheart clans are present as well, even Robert and Blasie are there as well. The witnesses are also there to bear witness against Derek too.

Then, Derek, all chained up, was brought up into the court room by the city guards, and he faced the Ruler.

Striking his gavel twice, Matthew announced that the trial was on.

And so, the trial of Derek was on.

"So, Mr. Derek Demonheart, you are formally accused of 1 count of burglary, 4 counts of smuggling, and 5 counts of bribery," the prosecutor said to Derek as he reads the paper of accusation to him. "Is it true that you did all these crimes?"

Then, Derek spoke up, "Yes, I did all of that for my own benefit."

"Why is that?" the prosecutor asked back on the Ruler's behalf.

"I am sympathizing with Vanworth because I was born half-Earthheart," Derek responded back.

In response to that, Matthew II responded, "Now, now, Derek, in this kingdom, we don't forbid marriages between clans, but committing a crime on another kingdom's behalf is forbidden. That's treason you know."

"But, Your Majesty," Derek replied back, "I am patriotic to Vanworth and to the Earthheart clan. I feel bad for their loss during the recent war with this crappy kingdom."

This really offended and surprised those who are in court, with Robert commenting in his mind, "So rude! What a traitor."

Matthew II was not happy at Derek's rude statement, so he decided to shorten the trial by asking the witnesses to come forward and testify against Derek.

So, the witnesses, numbered around 5 including the same subordinate of Augustine, came forward and testify against Derek by spilling what they know about Derek's illegal activities. Some show evidences of bribery by throwing pieces of paper containing how much money Derek gave to the shady people.

Hearing all these things, Matthew II stand up and asked a question to Derek, "I heard everything. Did you really do all these things?"

"Yes, your Majesty," Derek responded.

"I see. So, do you plead guilty, or not?"

Then, after a couple of seconds of silence, Derek responded, "I pleaded guilty."

This causes Matthew II to sit on his seat in response.

But, Derek gave him a prediction, "But, one day, when you are dead, so as this kingdom."

Robert and Blaise are shocked to hear that.

"What in the…?"

"So rude!"

"What a traitor!"

But, Sol was there, so he just stand up. "You had no ability to predict anything. His son William will take over once he passed away."

"How? He's not that smart or skillful," Derek hurled an insult to William.

William was pissed off, so he stood up and responded, "I'm smart, you know! I'll take over once dad passed away, you disgraceful traitor!"

But then, Derek just laughed at William's response, not caring about what he had said.

William and Sol then sat down while being insulted by Derek's mocking laugh.

As a result, one of the members of the Council said to Matthew II, "Your Majesty, this escalates to a fight full of insults. What should we do?"

Thinking about this, Matthew II stand up once more and made a verdict to everyone, "I'm sentencing Derek Demonheart to 7 years in prison for smuggling, burglary, bribery, and defamation."

This causes everyone in the court to be surprised, including Derek.

"I hereby sentenced you, Derek Demonheart, to 7 years in prison for 1 count of burglary, 4 counts of smuggling, 5 counts of bribery, and 1 count of defamation," Matthew II repeated his verdict.

But, this has no effect on Derek, who just chuckled the prison sentence away, before being taken away by the same city guards who brought him earlier.

Once Derek was gone, Matthew II announced to everyone that the trial has ended, before striking his gavel twice.