Chapter 57 – A Village Stopover

Robert's POV

  Man, the basics are a bit difficult, but I was determined to sharpen my sword skills more and more.

I then continued my training for the peace negotiation while the others are doing their own thing.

Then, three and a half hours had passed, and we had passed through the Yeager Forest and arrived at our first stopover, Lanville, a farming village near the border with Vanworth, for some supplies. I know this because I heard stories about it from travelers back at my hometown. According to those stories, the village is constantly in fear by the pillaging and raiding soldiers from Vanworth. But, in my view, the village seems to be any other village and town: People are living normally and business is continuing as usual.

After we passed by the village's signage, we stopped in front of an inn, and we get off, with the driver telling us that he'll buy some supplies for the journey towards the capital of Vanworth, Challies.

We agreed with him, before we went into the inn with some of our belongings to get some rooms for the night.

Inside the medieval-style lobby, we went up to the innkeeper and asked him what kind of rooms are available.

"We have rooms for one, two, and four," the innkeeper responded back with a hospitable smile. "How many do you need?"

In response, I counted how many we are, before thinking about the rooms we will get while calculating how many people in each room.

"We need two rooms, one for four and one for three," I answered back.

"Okay, how many nights then?" the innkeeper asked back.

"Until tomorrow morning," William responded positively.

"I see, that'll 110 gold coins," the innkeeper replied back.

In response to that, me, William, Emma, Peter, Colt, and Masanori get their wallets and poured some gold coins onto the counter.

The innkeeper then counted the coins in stacks, before putting them into a drawer. He then get two keys from the key sections and gave it to us. "Thank you so much. Please, our staff member will lead you to your rooms."

Receiving the keys, Peter responded, "Thank you so much."

With that the innkeeper then turned to one of the staff members and said, "Dude, please."

"On it, sir," the staff member responded. Then to us, "Follow me."

He then left, prompting us to follow him into the hallways.

Not long after, we arrived at our rooms in the second floor.

"Open them," the staff member said to us.

In response to that, Peter gave one of the keys to Colt, and they used them to open the doors to our rooms, which were next to each other.

Upon turning on the lights, I saw that one of the rooms is decent and well-lit. The beds are neatly arranged and necessities were neatly laid on the table. I was delighted to see this. Then, I went outside in the hallways and asked Colt, "How about yours, Colt-san?"

"Normal and neat as well," Colt replied back.

"Please, enjoy your stay here," the staff member said to us with a bow. "We also had a bathhouse with hot water if you want to warm up, and a restaurant if you are all hungry."

"Oh, that'll be great," William responded back positively. "Thank you so much."

With that the staff member left to go back to his duties.

After that, we all went into our rooms. Me, William, Emma, and Peter will sleep in the room for four while Colt, Masanori, and the driver will sleep at the room for three. I just found out that the arrangement of different rooms in this inn is random.

Once inside, I took off my cloak and boots and lay down on the bed in exhaustion while commenting, "Man, that trip was so long."

"Yeah, it was," William responded back while putting his coat on a rack. "Challies can be reached by tomorrow."

"Oh, okay then," I replied back.

"Let's explore the village later," Peter suggested.

"Yeah, that'll great," I agreed back.

But, I saw that Emma is silent, looking at the window.

"What is she doing?" I asked in my mind.

But I just assumed that she was probably tired from this long trip, and continue resting up to replenish my energy until 4 in the afternoon.