Chapter 63 – Marionette and Harold Earthheart Jaune

Robert's POV

I was so utterly disappointed that I never get to meet up with the Earthheart clan, which I knew that they are in Challies.

As the horse wagon rattled on the cobblestone street, I said to my group while sighing in disappointment, "Man, all that effort is a waste."

"The king is stubborn as usual." William crossed his arms. "He just can't change his mind."

"At least we explore along the way, right?" Peter tried to brighten our moods.

"Yeah, you're right, Peter-kun," I agreed with him. "At least that spending spree at Lanville really makes us feel good."

"Yes, and I can't wait to get home in order to plant the seeds me and Colt-san got from a farmer," Masanori responded.

"That'll be good. At least you would learn the basics of farming."


After that response, suddenly, as we exited the city through the city gates, we heard something speeding down the road, passing by us. Then, we heard the running sound of horses and the shouts and commands of a young man and his soldiers, and they passed by us too.

Suspicious, I went to the front and said to Colt, "Hey, Colt-san, did you see what I hear?"

"Yeah, it's a horse carriage and 3 men on horseback are chasing it," Colt replied back.

"I don't know why, but can we follow it?" I asked back with a request. "So we could see what is going on."

"Sure thing," Colt replied back. Then to the driver, "Sir, can we catch up with that carriage?"

"Right," the driver responded back in obedience, before whipping the horses a bit strongly, causing the horses to go faster.

In the back, the rest got alerted by the sudden speed of the wagon, and Emma asked, "Hey, what the heck?"

I then went back inside and answered, "A horse carriage was being chased by three men. We had to check it out."

"What?" William commented back.

"Yeah, to make sure what is really going on," I replied back.

"Oh, okay."

With that, I returned to the front and peek at the chasing scene.

Then, I saw one of the three men fired an arrow towards one of the back legs of one of the carriage's horses, causing it to squeal in pain and tumble, causing the other horses and the carriage itself to flip over and tumble off the road.

I had seen this with horror and shock, so I quickly said to the driver, "Stop the wagon!"

The driver did so, and me and my group get off and ran to the scene.

Then, a girl and a younger boy came out of the wreckage, probably in pain. And then, the young man, turns out to be the Crowned Prince get off his horse and went towards them, before slapping the girl hard on the face.

The boy then said to her, "Big sis!"

I had witnessed this abusive treatment with shock and anger on my face.

Then, the Crowned Prince told his two men to grab both of them.

But before they would do that, I quickly intervened and used Electric Barrier to form a barrier between them and the girl and boy, preventing the two soldiers from approaching the girl and boy.

"What the…?" the Crowned Prince seriously responded to this.

"Robert-kun!" Colt responded to this.

I was holding the Electric Barrier while panting heavily because I ran.

Then, the girl spoke to me, "W-What are you doing?"

Turning towards them, I answered back, "I'm defending both of you. Go now. Get out of here. I got this."

Getting up, the girl responded back, "Thanks." Then to the boy, "Harold-kun, let's get out of here."

The boy nodded, and they both get out of the area as far as they could.

I then looked back at the Crowned Prince, who was very angry at me for doing this.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?" he demanded an explanation behind my deed to the girl and boy. "Those are my younger siblings! I had authority over them!"

Processing this new information very fast while still holding the Electric Barrier as I could, I retorted, "Leave them alone! If they want to get out of your crappy kingdom, then they will. They have the right to do so!"

But this pisses the Crowned Prince and he eventually placed his right hand on the ground. "Earth Pillar!"

Then, the ground shook and a bunch of pillars made of earth sprang out of the ground, destroying the Electric Barrier. But I luckily dodged them, and ran to get out of the area as I prevent my cloak from getting damaged because it was new.