Chapter 64 – Sol Spiritheart

Third person POV

Robert's party saw this, and they immediately intervene and help out by trying to block Arnold's attacks using their barrier-style magical abilities. But, it didn't do any defense against the powerful and strong Earth Pillars. Masanori and the driver are fighting against Arnold's two soldiers with their weapons. Masanori's sword skills are stronger than the two soldiers combined, and they eventually fell to the ground in giving up.

Seeing this, Arnold was angry at them for giving up, calling them 'weak cowards.'

Then, before this would take a turn for the worse, Sol came to the rescue and used his very heavy and huge crystalline, battle axe to cut through the Earth Pillars like butter.

Upon seeing this, Robert and his friends are very surprised.

"Wow, is that Headmaster?" Robert commented.

"He's so strong that he can carry that heavy battle axe," William remarked.

"I didn't know he was that strong and skillful," Emma added.

After destroying every Arnold's Earth Pillars, Sol walked up to the two defeated Vanworth soldiers and asked Masanori, "So, how about those two?"

"Sol-san, these two were commanded to grab Arnold's younger siblings," Masanori reported in response.

Hearing this, Sol looked at the two soldiers, who was fearing his glare and presence, before deciding to beat them up with his fists for doing such a disgraceful thing to Marionette and Harold.

Meanwhile, Robert ran to Marionette and Harold, who were actually the ones who were in that speeding horse carriage, and asked if they are okay, offering a hand to them.

Seeing this gentleman-like behavior of Robert, Marionette was awestruck by it then, and her feelings started to bubble up.

"Thank you, sir," Harold responded.

Smiling and being nice at them, Robert replied, "You're welcome. I'm happy to help. What's your names?"

Marionette and Harold are hesitant at first, but they eventually give in and accepted his offer of a hand, with Marionette responding, "I'm Marionette Earthheart Jaune. This is my younger brother, Harold."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Marionette-chan, Harold-kun," Robert replied back. "I'm Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart and Windheart clans."

But then, Robert was shocked to hear the name 'Earthheart' in their names, and he asked back, "Wait, what? Earthheart? You two are a part of the Earthheart clan?"

"Yes, and our clan used to have a lot of power and influence in our kingdom," Marionette explained while feeling bad.

"But after Papa came to the throne," Harold added while feeling bad, "he took that power and privilege away for himself and elder brother."

"Oh, that's why they acted like tyrants," Robert responded back while sympathizing with them. "So what happened to your clan after that?"

"They became isolated and stripped of their rights," Marionette replied back.

"I see," Robert replied back.

He then thinks for a while about their stateless situation, before generating the idea of them defecting to his home kingdom, Saverfort, and integrating into that nation's society.

So, he said to them, "How about this? Defect to us, and we'll provide everything you needed."

"Are you sure about that?" Harold asked back in doubt and unsure.

"Don't worry, we even considered goblins as a part of our kingdom," Robert reassured in response.

At the same time, Sol had beaten up the two soldiers and proceeds to trap Arnold in a dome of dark rock.

After that, Sol, who wasn't happy about his students' involvement in this dangerous diplomatic mission, grabbed his huge battle axe, turned around towards Robert and his friends, and walked towards them, before reprimanding them for not informing him of the diplomatic mission.

Robert and his friends, except for Colt, Masanori, and the driver, felt very guilty of that, and they apologized to him for that, promising not to do it again in the future.

"Good, just tell me about any diplomatic mission and trip, okay?" Sol seriously responded to them.

Eventually, they agreed to his terms.

But then, Arnold broke free through the hard and dense dark rock dome, furious and pissed off by what they and Sol did to him and his soldiers, and summoned a sword made of earth and charged towards Sol.

"Watch out, Headmaster!" William said to Sol almost immediately.

But then, Sol backslapped Arnold even without looking behind, flinging him up in the air and crashed-landed at someone's house in Challies.

This really shocked the rest, including Marionette and Harold a lot, once again reminding them of his incredible strength and alertness.