Chapter 69 – A New Semester

Robert's POV

One Monday morning, after I wake up and did my usual, morning routine, I ate some delicious breakfast, I dressed up for school, grabbed my leather bag, and left the house as Blaise wavered goodbye to me.

Along the way to school, I meet up with William, Emma, and Peter, and we all walked together to school.

"So guys, how's Matt-san?" I asked.

"Work as usual," William answered back while looking a bit annoyed about his father. "Piles and piles of paperwork."

"Yeah, he usually sleeps at his office," Emma added.

"Oh, okay," I responded back.

"Well, I'm just glad that Harold-kun got into the academy," Peter commented about what happened a few days ago. "He's now in the same class as you guys."

"Yeah, that'll be great," I responded back with enthusiasm.

Back at my previous life, I don't have any friends at all, and I am usually a loner. But having some friends really makes me happy.

Not long after, after we arrived at school, Peter went to the school library to do his duties as a librarian while we went to our class. As I slide the door open, I greeted, "Good morning."

Then, Harold, dressed in the school's uniform, waved his hand at us, greeting, "Good morning, Ro-kun."

Upon seeing him, we were delighted and William greeted back, "Good morning, Harold-kun."

"Good morning, William-san," Harold responded back.

"Wait, why you call me 'William-san?'" William replied back. "It's not that necessary."

Scratching the back of his head for a few seconds, Harold apologized, "Sorry, I did that because you're the prince of this kingdom, and I'm just a refugee."

"Come on, Harold-kun," I responded to this. "William-kun is not that strict."

"Yeah, just call me 'William-kun,'okay?" William added.

Eventually, Harold then nodded in agreement. "Okay."

With that, I sat next to Harold so he would some have company.

William and Emma then sat across the aisle.

Then, Cedric came to the classroom, and we all greeted, "Good morning, sensei."

After placing his belongings on his desk, Cedric looked at us and greeted back, "Good morning to all of you. I hoped all of you enjoyed your month-long winter break, did you?"

Then, murmurs of "Yes" permeated across the classroom as answer to Cedric.

"I see, okay then," Cedric responded back. "Today, we have a new student who just recently passed the entrance exam last week." Then to Harold, "Harold, would you stand up and introduce yourself?"

"Yes," Harold responded back.

He then stand up and continued in introduction, "Hi, everyone, my name is Harold Earthheart Jaune, and I am a prince of Vanworth. I loved reading books, and I had earth magical abilities. I am also a refugee from my home kingdom."

His introduction really causes comments and gossips from other students, and those comments are like, "Wow, a prince?" and "Do you think he would be like his tyrannical father and brother?"

Seeing this, I was a bit upset that they gossip like that, but I saw that Harold was resistant to these kinds of insults.

"Okay, thank you, Harold Jaune," Cedric responded back. "You may sit down."

Harold did so, and he asked me if he went too far with his introduction.

"No, not at all," I answered back with an assurance. "You did a great job with that introduction."

"Oh, um, thanks, Ro-kun," Harold replied back.

After that, Cedric gave out an additional reminder, "Before we start, I would like to remind all of you that Harold is a refugee, so please, be nice to him."

All of the students then get what he just said.

"Good. Let's begin our lesson for this day."

Later at lunch time, at the school cafeteria, me and Harold are carrying our meal trays full of delicious food to a table where William and Emma are waiting for us. Upon arriving there, I was surprised to see that Peter was there.

"Woah, Peter-kun, what are you doing here?" I asked in response. "Are you supposed to eat at the library?"

"Well, I realized that I should eat at a proper place," Peter answered back.

"Oh, okay," I replied back, before me and Harold placed our meal trays and sit down.

We then do a prayer gesture. "Thanks for the food."

We then all grabbed our utensils and eat up.

"Wow, I didn't know regular food can be that tasty," Harold commented while eating the potato salad with chicken.

"Well, food in our level in society is as good as high-quality ones," I responded to his comment.

"Yes, I had barely any distinction between them," William added.

"Oh, okay," Harold replied back. "Well, me and my older sister only ate high-quality, delicious food almost all our lives. It's the first time we ate food this good."

"Okay, how about the food at Headmaster's house?" I asked back.

"It's good," Harold responded back. "His food is very good, and his chefs are very excellent in their cooking."

"I see."