Chapter 68 – Harold’s Entrance Exam

Third person POV

A few days after New Year's Eve, Harold is now up against Peter in an early, emergency entrance exam while Robert, William, and Emma watches this from the audience. Sol was also watching this as well, alongside Marionette.

Then, the emergency entrance exam had begun.

Harold uses his magic to summon Earth Pillars from the ground, but Peter incinerates them with his fire magic. This shows how weak Harold is in his magic.

But, Harold was determined to win against him so he could be accepted into the prestigious magic academy so he just used almost all of his knowledge he gained from his homeschooling at the castle in Vanworth.

"Don't worry, I'll just go easy on you," Peter said to Harold.

"Okay," responded Harold back, before summoning Earth Spikes and fired them at Peter.

Peter then used a weak barrier of flames so the Earth Spikes would break through and hit him with minimum damage. He then got struck by it, but manages to get up despite the pain.

"Did he just used a weak barrier?" Robert asked while watching this.

"I guessed so," William responded back while crossing his arms.

"I would say that he did that for Harold's sake," Emma suggested.

Watching this, Sol thought, "I hoped he would pass. I'm believing in you, Harold-kun."

"You can do this, Harold-kun!" Marionette cheered for her younger brother.

Then, Harold used his ultimate magical power: Earth Golems, and had them charged towards Peter.

"Woah, what?" Robert commented. "What are those things?"

The current students gasped in surprised upon seeing the size of Harold's Earth Golems. But, in reality, the size of them are smaller than those who are more skilled than him.

But still, Peter go easy on him, so he once again summoned a weak barrier of flames to block their attacks so Harold would win.

After much hitting and punching, the Earth Golems managed to break through the barrier and punched Peter a few times until Peter collapsed to the ground in pain.

As a result, sweating a bit, Harold wins the battle, thus passing the entrance exam. Robert and the others are happy to see this, and they climbed down to the arena grounds to say congratulations to Harold for passing the exam. Sol went to Peter and healed his wounds and bruises and restored his mana, before saying to him, "You did a great job, Peter-kun."

Getting up while stretching his arms a bit, Peter responded back, "Yeah, I just did what you tell me to do."

Meanwhile, Harold said to Robert, Marionette, and the others, "Thanks, you guys. I had passed the entrance exam."

"Yeah, welcome to the academy, Harold-kun," Robert responded back.

After all that, they all went to Sol's house to have a feast-style lunch in celebrating Harold's passing of the entrance exam. There are eating, drinking, and chatting, too, as the atmosphere is full of joy and fun times.

By 1 in the afternoon, Robert, William, Emma, and Peter left the house and went back to their homes in resting up for the first day of their upcoming semester at school. But still, they will continue training and sharpening their skills for the future, while Robert was excited to join Masanori's weapons class as an extracurricular class for him.