Chapter 67 – Back at Peacewood

Robert's  POV

Later, after packing up all of our belongings in wooden crates and boxes, me and Blaise went through the portal Sol made using magic, alongside Marionette and Harold, back to Peacewood as Aaron and his clan members wavered goodbye to them. Then, Sol went in and closed the portal down.

At Peacewood, the portal opened up in front of a palatial mansion and Robert and the others came out. It was still 5 in the afternoon, I thought, and it was a very, very short ride.

"We're here, you two," Sol said to Marionette and Harold. "This is my home."

Then, upon seeing it, Marionette and Harold are very surprised.

"Woah, your home is so huge," Harold commented.

"I didn't know you're that rich," Marionette added a comment.

"Yeah, for the most part," Sol responded back.

I was looking at it with stunning shock, knowing that Sol was the headmaster.

"Wow, he was rich!" I thought in my mind.

"Yes, he is," Blaise confirmed that in response.

"Oh, okay."

Then, Marionette looked at Sol and asked, "Um, are we gonna live there?"

"Yes, like I said last time, you'll be living at my place for the time being," Sol replied back. "Are you okay with that?"

"Well, as long as we had a place to live, we'll be fine," Marionette answered back.

"Good. Let's go then," Sol replied back.

He, Marionette, and Harold went inside the huge house as me and Blaise said goodbye and thank you to them, before we carry our belongings to our home in town.

Not long after, at 6, we arrived at our home, and Blaise unlocked the front door using a key, and we all went in.

Inside the house, we all unpacked our belongings and lay down on the sofa in exhaustion from carrying our bulky belongings all the way to our home.

By 7 in the evening, we ate a simple, hearty dinner, before doing our usual evening routine before bedtime. Today was crazy enough. I just hoped this winter break ends and the next semester begins.