Chapter 66 – Last Day at Keystone

Third person POV

After that, Matthew II asked Robert and the others how was the peace negotiation with the king and crowned prince of Vanworth.

"Um, it's a complete failure," Robert answered back honestly.

"I knew he is still stubborn," the Ruler responded back. "Why is he not changing his mind?"

"He is stubborn, even with all the offers we offer to him," William replied back.

"Even with all of the disputed territories?"

"Yes, because he was skeptical that our soldiers might occupy them."

"I see. That's okay, just like the previous peace negotiations."

After that, Robert asked a question, "So, disputed territories are the reason behind the conflict?"

"Not just that," Matthew II responded back, "trade wars are another reason. They had placed a high tax on our products."

"Woah, what?" Robert remarked. "Our products?"


"I see."

"Okay, all of you may leave now."

With that, Robert and the others, including Marionette, Harold, Masanori, and the driver, left the office.

But, William, Emma, Peter, and the driver decided to stay at the palace to rest up, with the driver, being a part of the palace staff, bowing his head towards Robert, Colt, and Masanori. "You're welcome that I became your driver for that peace negotiation."

He then get up from bowing.

"Yeah, thank you so much," Robert nicely responded back, "for the ride."

With that, Robert and his remaining friends, including Sol himself, left the palace with their belongings.

Not long after, while they are walking down the street, Robert said to Sol, "Hey, headmaster, can we have a stopover at the Lightningheart estate before you would make a portal to Peacewood for Marionette-chan and Harold-kun?"

"Sure thing," Sol agreed to his request.

Then, Marionette asked, "Wait, you lived in an estate?"

"Not really," Robert responded back to her and Harold, "I only stayed there because it's winter break from school. Me and my older sister lived in Peacewood. She also runs a potion shop."

"Oh, okay," Marionette replied back.

"But, my father is the son of the current clan head," Robert added.

"Wow, it seems that living apart from your clan must have been tough," Harold commented.

"No, we're used to it."

"Yes, from birth," Sol responded.

Then, moments later, they had arrived at the main gate of the Lightningheart estate, and Robert opened the door for them, before he himself went in and closed the gate.

Within the estate, as Robert and the others walked down the stone path towards the main house, the clan members and the household staff saw that Marionette and Harold are with them. They know that because they heard stories told by their friends who went to Vanworth. There are murmurs like, "Is that the princess and prince of Vanworth?" and "What are they doing here with Robert?"

But Sol noticed this, and he responded, "Hey! Don't say that!"

In response to that, they apologized to him and the others profusely.

After that, they had arrived at the front door of the main house, and Robert once again opened the door for them. Robert goes in first and greeted, "I'm home."

In the living room, Blaise greeted back, "Welcome back, Robert-kun."

But, she was surprised to see Sol, Marionette, and Harold.

Then, she was shocked, asking, "W-What does the headmaster and the princess and prince of Vanworth doing here?"

She knew about them because she and Sol are good friends, and she used to hear stories told by travelers who stopped by at her shop.

"Woah, calm down, big sis," Robert tried to prevent this from turning into a misunderstanding. "They are here for a quick stopover before the headmaster would make a portal to Peacewood for the princess and prince of Vanworth."

Finally calming down, Blaise responded back, "Oh, they will not last long here? Marionette and Harold will live in our hometown?"

Robert then nodded. "Yes, and are you going home, too?"

"Well, it supposed to be tomorrow," replied Blaise back while thinking for a bit, "but I started to think about dad's potion shop, so, okay, let's go home this afternoon."

"Okay, that'll be great."

Watching this, Marionette commented to Sol, "Wow, seems that Robert and his older sister have a good relationship."

Crossing his arms, Sol replied, "Yes, and she had been taking care of him ever since he is a baby."

Stunned by that fact, Marionette retorted, "Really?"

Sol then nodded. "Yes, she did."

Not long after, as Mary and Blaise served hot tea to the Sol, Masanori, Colt, Marionette, and Harold, Robert revealed to Aaron what had happened during their trip to Vanworth and the failed peace negotiation.

"I see," Aaron commented, "and those two are here for an asylum?"

"Yes, they will live at Sol-san's home," Robert responded back.

"Okay, that's good of him," Aaron replied back without any objection.

"Yeah, we'll leave this afternoon."

"Why? It'll be sundown soon."

"Don't worry, the headmaster will make a magical portal that will cut our travel time to just a couple of moments."

"I see. Okay, pack your belongings."

"Thanks, grandpa."