Chapter 71 – Marionette’s Feelings for Robert

Marionette's POV

It's been a few weeks ever since me and Harold were taken in by the headmaster of a magic academy, and Harold is now a first-year student there. I felt so free for the first time in years. Back at Vanworth, we were treated like spoiled children, but me and Harold determined to not be like my father and elder brother. I had been dreaming this kind of life, even though we wished to be nomads in the forest, away from other people. But, thanks to Robert's influence, I was able to regain my social life, and I am surrounded by good and kind people.

I thought all these words in my mind as I sipped my cup of hot tea while sitting on a chair at the balcony of my room. The room is big and we were treated not just as guests, but a part of the family, even though I didn't know more about the headmaster's family or clan.

And as I looked at the vineyard where the headmaster's servants are planting and harvesting from the balcony, I began to feel something within me.

"I think I really like him," I thought to myself, again. "Although his looks are good and average, his character really allures me. I think…I had fallen in love with him."

Later, before 4 would strike the clock, I was at the house library when Harold came in, greeting, "I'm back, big sis."

Hearing these words, I turned around. "Welcome back home, Harold-kun. How's your first day at school?"

Putting his messenger leather bag on one of the tables, Harold walks to me and answered back, "Today is so awesome. Everyone likes me, and I attended a weapons class alongside Ro-kun and William-kun."

"Oh really?" I laughed back. "There is such class?"

Harold then nodded. "Yes, and I wielded a sword."

"Wow, you learned so fast."

"Yes." Harold responded back, before sitting on an armchair to rest up after walking all the way to the mansion.

Then, Harold continued on, "You know, I wanted to be the next heir to the throne."

"Wha…how?" I responded back. "Big brother is already the heir. We don't have the right to inherit anything."

Harold then looked at me. "What if he usurped the throne?"

This is the question that I can't answer for now so I just responded, "I…I don't know. Sorry."

"That's okay," replied Harold back. "It's a hard question, too."

After that, I put down the book. "You know, I think I had feelings for that boy."

"You mean Ro-kun?" asked Harold back.

I then nodded. "Yes, I mean, I liked his character and bravery, not his looks or background. He was kind enough to offer asylum to us."

"Yeah, me too," Harold replied back while looking down at his leather shoes, which was provided by the headmaster at his own expense. "I got inspired by him."

"Woah really?"

"Yes, even though I don't know about his future career yet."

"I see. Well, just in case big brother would usurp the throne, then I'll give you my support."

"Wow, thanks, big sis, you're the best," Harold responded back enthusiastically, before standing up and giving me a hug for a couple of seconds.

"Yes, you're welcome," I responded back while wrapping my arms around him. "I'm always right here."

We then discharged from hugging and smiled at each other.

Later at 7 in the evening, at the dining room, while eating dinner, Sol asked me and Harold if the food is good.

"Yes, Sol-san, it's very good," I answered back at him. "Thank you so much."

"Thanks for the food, headmaster," Harold added, before resuming eating his meal.

Smiling at us, Sol responded, "I'm glad that my new family members enjoyed my food."

After that, I asked, "So Sol-san, is there such thing as a weapons class?"

"Oh, yes, it does," answered Sol back. "It's one of our school's extracurricular classes, and it gives students basic knowledge on how to wield weapons, especially melee ones. I'm more of an expert on long-ranged weapons like crossbows."

"I see," I replied back.

"Wow, that's awesome, headmaster," Harold commented.

"Thank you."