Chapter 72 – Robert’s Parents’ Bedroom and Memorabilia

Robert's POV

While having dinner with Blaise, I asked a question, "Hey, big sis, what are you going to do with mom and dad's bedroom?"

"Well," answered Blaise back while thinking, "nothing. I just clean it on a normal basis and sometimes look at their stuff."

"Oh, is that okay?"

Blaise then nodded. "Yes, they won't mind. Wanna check it out after dinner?"

"Sure, I would love to," I replied back with a little a bit of enthusiasm, "just to check it out."

And so, after dinner and washing the dishes, me and Blaise went to our parents' bedroom to check out the stuff they left behind for us. At their bedroom, Blaise turned on the lights, revealing a seemingly normal bedroom, with a bed, a desk, a cabinet, and a wardrobe. The curtains are decent and had two colors, but Blaise usually changes it once a month or two, so as the bedsheets, blanket, and pillowcases.

"Woah, seems to be a normal bedroom," I commented.

Blaise then nodded in agreement, before going on to pull a wooden storage trunk from its storage area under the desk.

We then sat on the wooden floor, and Blaise opened it easily because it doesn't have a lock and key, meaning it wasn't secretive at all, revealing all the photos and memorabilia our parents left behind.

She then get a series of slightly less colored photographs of our parents and showed them to me.

"This is them when they are young," Blaise explained to me, "going on an adventure."

"To where?" I asked back.

"To Kita," answered Blaise back.

"Wow, I didn't know they went there," I commented in response. "What for?"

"To have a duel with one of their best samurais."

I was shocked to find out that samurais do exist in this world.

"What? They do exist?"

Smiling at me, Blaise responded, "Yes, they do."

Calming down, I replied, "Oh, I see."

After my response, Blaise put back the photographs inside the trunk and get a necklace trinket and showed it to me, explaining, "This is the necklace trinket dad bought for mom on their first wedding anniversary."

Seeing it, I was amazed with curiosity. The necklace-style trinket seems to be precious, not because of its price and value, but because of the memories it contains.

"Mom wears this all the time," Blaise continued, "and it was said that this brings good luck to those who wear it."

"Woah, so you're gonna wear it?" I asked a question.

"No, I'll rather preserve it forever than wearing it and receive damages," Blaise answered back. "I had my own."

She then referred it to her own necklace of the similar trinket.

"Oh, that would be better," I agreed with her.

After that, Blaise put back the necklace trinket and get an old dagger, showing it to me.

"This is dad's first dagger," she explained to me. "It was a gift from his clan on his first adventure."

"Oh, that looks old and dull," I commented in response upon noticing the current state of its handle and blade.

"Yes, I preserved it, too," Blaise responded, before putting the old dagger back into the trunk.

She then get a piece of a worn out leather boot and showed it to me.

"This is dad's first pair of boots on his first adventure," she explained to me.

"Okay, then where's the other pair?" I asked back.

Putting it down, Blaise replied, "Oh, it's gone now, so I only had this as a piece of memory of him."

She then put it back into the trunk.

"Wow, mom and dad are adventurers," I commented as Blaise closed the storage trunk. "I really want to be like them."

"Sure, if you know how to survive on your own," Blaise responded. "You have to hunt for your own food, locate sources of water, and make your own shelter for the night."

"Yeah, I'll learn how to do those things," I replied back, agreeing readily. "I promise."

Blaise then let out a small giggle. "Okay, I believe in you."

She then stand up, carried the storage trunk, and put it back in its original place."

I then stand up, and we left the room, before I would take one last look at the bedroom and turned off the lights.

It was a discovery that I will never forget.