Chapter 76 – A Visit at Blaise’s Potion Shop

Riana's POV

As I walked down the street in town, I began to wonder where that person lived, and I eventually wanted to see his house. With this in mind, I went to a stranger and asked, "Excuse me, sir, do you know about the one who defeated the goblins six years ago?"

Then, that stranger responded, "Oh, you mean the Bellstone Street rumors?"

"Is it?" I asked back.

"Well," the stranger responded back, "according to those who lived there, there is one boy who has lightning magic and single-handedly defeated the goblins who are said to try to abduct his older sister, who was the owner of a potion shop at Kale Street."

"Oh, so his older sister is a shop owner?"

The stranger then nodded. "Yes, and that boy might be Robert Lightningheart, the son of our town heroes."

The words 'town heroes' really triggered my knowledge and memory. I remembered the time my father told me a story about a couple who went to fight in a war, leaving their son in the care of his older sister.

"So that story is actually true," I muttered in a low voice while thinking.

"Are you okay, miss?" the stranger asked me.

I then snapped out and responded, "Oh, yes, I am. Sorry. So anyway, do you know where they lived at that street?"

"Yes, and their home is 2 houses away from the nearest street," the stranger replied back, "but it was usually closed and locked because his older sister was running the shop during the day. You should go to her potion shop at Kale Street. Its name is James' Potions."

"I see," I responded. "Okay, thank you, sir."

I then went to find that street in town.

After much searching, I finally found that street and started looking at the shop sign for that potion shop. A few moments later, I finally found it, and entered in, causing the bell on the door to ring.

Then, a young woman came to me and greeted, "Welcome to James' Potions. What can I do for you?"

Upon hearing her voice, I looked at her and responded, "Oh, are you the owner of this shop?"

"Yes, and my name is Blaise Lightningheart," the woman replied back. "Are you here for supplies?"


"Yes, that would be my father's name and clan name."

"Okay, so do you know about a person named Robert Lightningheart?"

"That would be my younger brother."

I was surprised to hear that. The stranger was right.

"I see," I commented. "Does he have any magical abilities?"

"Yes," Blaise replied back, "he has lightning magic. He inherited that from our father, who was from the Lightningheart clan in Keystone."

"Oh, I see. How old is he?"

"He's 16."

"He's quite young. Where is he now?"

"He's currently at school at Peacewood Magic Academy."

"I see."

After that, Blaise said to me, "So, are you here for potions for traveling? Are you a traveler?"

"Um, yes, but I don't need any potions," I answered back calmly and briefly. I'm here because I want to talk to you about some things."

"Okay, what do you mean by that?" Blaise replied back in semi-confusion.

"Are you that young woman in the Bellstone rumors who were being abducted by goblins?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, I am," Blaise replied back honestly. "I was that woman. Their leader tried to marry me, but Robert-kun came to the rescue and defeated all of them single-handedly."

Realizing this, I bowed my head deeply. "I'm sorry for what my fellow goblin mercenaries had done to you."

"Woah, please, it's okay," Blaise frantically responded back. "It wasn't your fault. It's okay."

"I see," I replied back as I get up from bowing. "Thank you."

"So, you're a goblin, right?" Blaise asked me.

I then took off my hood, and answered back, "Yes, I am, and I am also here because I want to see that Robert, too."

"Oh, okay. He is usually home at 4 or 5 in the afternoon, but sometimes, he went to this shop because the house is locked."

"I see. I'll wait here then."

"Sure thing."