Chapter 75 – The Meeting at the Post

Third person POV

At the same time, Riana went out of town and into the forest nearby. She kept her hood on the whole time until she had arrived at the post of her fellow goblins. There the other goblins, armed with bows and arrows and battle axes, are doing their own thing guarding and farming when Riana came to their doorstep.

"Greetings, my fellow goblins," she greeted in response.

Upon hearing that, the goblins stopped what they are doing and looked at her. Then, the big one, named Lat, who was the one who tried to abduct Blaise years ago, bowed his head towards her for a few seconds, before asking, "Greetings. What brings you here?"

"I was sent to have a meeting with this post," replied Riana back, before taking off her hood.

"I see," Lat responded back, before scratching his head a few times. "Okay." Then to his fellow goblin subordinates, "You, give her something to eat and drink. She might be hungry and thirsty."

"Right, sir," one of his goblin subordinates responded back with obedience, before leaving his farming tool behind to get some food and water for Riana.

Not long after, all of them are now seated at the meeting hall of their tented camp. The atmosphere wasn't that serious at all though. The food and water are in front of Riana, waiting to be consumed.

Then, Riana placed her leather backpack onto the table and get some papers, written in their language, before sliding them to Lat across the table.

Upon receiving it, Lat leisurely reads it, before asking Riana, "Did your father wrote this?"

Crossing her fingers while maintaining a good posture on her chair, Riana answered back, "Yes, and he wants this post to maintain good relations with the humans of this kingdom. He says that you and your post became unruly to the townspeople. He heard that you and your men once tried to abduct a young woman, only to be defeated by her younger brother."

This statement really struck Lat and his subordinates to the core, and Lat asked back, "What? How he did know about that?"

"Actually, one of the messengers of our headquarters in the Yeager Forest reported to us about that," answered Riana back with a serious tone. "Why would you do that? You know that he can cut ties with you and your division."

Then, Lat then scoffed. "We just wanted to have a human as a companion."

"As in, marriage partner?"

"Um, you're mistaken, Riana," another of Lat's subordinates tried to cover it up. "We would never do that to a human."

"Oh yeah?" Riana retorted back. "I can report this to my father and to the one who defeated you years ago. I think he is stronger than before."

"What?" Lat responded back.

"And actually, we meet up on his way to school," Riana continued on, "and he seems to be good and strong, and although he never mentioned about his strength, I believed he is."

This really scared Lat and his division so much that they tremble on the possible consequences that would happen to them if they continue to do bad things. Eventually, they give in and assured that they won't do something stupid again.

"Good," Riana responded to this, before grabbing a chicken leg and eats it.

Lat and his subordinates watch this with fearful astonishment.

After finishing the chicken leg, Riana drank the wooden glass of water in one go, before standing up. "I hoped all of you reflect on your actions and continue your duties as mercenaries to the Ruler."

"Yes, we will," Lat responded back.

With that she moved the chair to the left and left the tent and the camp, before disappearing into the forest outside.

Along the way to town, Riana thought, "Whoever you are, you're so good and cool."