Chapter 89 – Robert’s So-Called Student

Third person POV

And then, Robert said to Harold, "Oh really? Can you handle this?"

He then outstretched his right arm and shouted, "Discharge!"

He then fired a stream of lightning from his hand and towards Harold.

Harold then blocked it with two earth golems.

To that, Robert remembered same earth golems during Harold's entrance exams. After that, he thought, "Those golems…"

"Attack!" Harold commanded his earth golems while pointing his finger towards Robert.

His earth golems did so, and they charged towards Robert.

In a quick response, Robert summoned two lightning swords with his two hands, and he charged towards the earth golems, slicing them in parts with speed and sharpness.

The earth golems had been sliced into pieces, and this really surprised Harold a lot.

"Woah, his sword skills are so sharp," Peter commented in stunning surprise.

"Yeah, I think the weapons class really played a role," William responded.

Zarah then nodded in agreement, while Emma was silent.

Back at the battle, Robert said to Harold in positive enjoyment, "Is that all you got? Bring it on!"

"You're…You're actually awesome," Harold responded.

Lowering his guard down, Robert asked back, "Uh, do you want to fight more?"

"Can we stop this?" Harold replied back.

"Sure, why?"

Then, Harold kneeled down on one knee. "I was amazed by your skills in combat. I hereby lost against you."

Robert then frantically replied, "P-Please don't back! That's embarrassing, you know. You are not even defeated."

Standing up, Harold replied, "Sorry, I can't help it. You're just so strong."

"Not really though," Robert responded. "I'm not that strong. I'm still learning."

"Is that so?"

Robert then nodded to say yes.

"I see," Harold responded back. "Well then, I'll be your student."

"Wait, what?" Robert replied.

"Please let me be your student!" Harold responded while bowing his head deeply. "I'll learn from you!"

Then, William stepped in and responded, "Woah, woah, wait, don't overwhelm him. He's still learning you know."

But, Robert eventually settled down by saying boldly, "I'll be his teacher then."

This really shocks the rest, except for Harold, a lot.

"What? How?"

"It's gonna be hard you know."

"That's okay, I can learn while teaching," Robert reassured in response with confidence.

"I see," William replied back. "Good luck then."

Harold was delighted to hear and responded with, "Thank you so much. I'll do my best."

Smiling at Harold, Robert replied back, "You're welcome. I'll do my best as a teacher to you."

And so, Robert became Harold's teacher.

Meanwhile, Sol was watching this, and he is thinking, "I guessed he is now training someone."

In the meantime, at Vanworth, Tertullian was furious to hear that Harold and Marionette had managed to escape, and blamed Arnold for letting it slide.

"I'm sorry for my failures to you, father," Arnold responded while kneeling and bowing before the king with his eyes closed.

"I'll be disowning them for being traitors to this nation then," Tertullian announced in response to this.

"Yes, father," Arnold replied back, before standing up.

"You may go now," Tertullian responded.

With that, Arnold left the throne room and went back to his duties.