Chapter 90 – A Study Group

Robert's POV

A month had passed since I became Harold's teacher, and it was quite difficult especially while studying. But my friends are always with me, helping out whenever I need it.

But, today is review day because we had a midterm exam coming by the next 4 days. At my class in school, Cedric gave out practice questions to us so we could be prepared for the upcoming exam.

The questions are mostly difficult, but me and my friends managed to answer most of them. William was excellent at answering questions, while Emma and Harold struggled a bit. I, on the other hand, was moderately struggling, too. Zarah also answered most of them. Luckily, Cedric repeated those questions and allowed the creation of mock exams for ourselves to answer and test our knowledge on magic and other, basic school subjects.

Later at lunch time, me and my friends decided to eat our cafeteria-bought lunch in the classroom so we could talk about how to tackle and pass this seemingly difficult exam. We all gathered at my desk so we could have a conversation.

"So, how we supposed to do this, guys?" Emma asked.

"I don't think simple reviewing would do the job," Zarah responded.

"Studying solo is not even a good idea either," I added.

"I'm used to studying alone, you know," Harold partially objected in response.

"Yeah, but this is an actual exam," William responded to that, "so it might be harder than you think."

"Sorry, it's just, I never went to school before," Harold explained back, "even at my kingdom's prestigious magic academy."

"Woah, there is?" I asked back.

Harold then nodded. "Yes."

"I see."

Then, one idea came to my head: Form a study group, just like in my previous life.

So, with that in mind, I verbalized that thought to my friends.

"A study group?" William asked.

"What is that?" Emma added.

I then explained, "It's a group where they study and share information together. As a result, they work together as a team."

My friends then get its meaning.

"Where did you have that idea?" Zarah asked a question.

"I just randomly think about it though," I responded with a lie. I then thought, "I better hide the fact that I am a reincarnation of someone who had died in the previous life."

Back at my previous life, I do know about study groups, and I am occasionally a part of them. But, I was a bit shy of sharing information and knowledge to others. The reason why is that I barely had any friends, and I was often a loner. But, in this life, I was more than happy to have those, and my wish came true.

"So, should we form a study group?" Harold asked. "Together?"

"Sure, but we should share this to our other classmates, too," I responded with a suggestion.

"Okay, that'll be a good idea," William readily replied back.

And so, as lunch time is still on, we shared this idea and concept to our other classmates in class, including its benefits and explanation.

Eventually, most of our classmates agreed to this concept and they said that they will do it after class hours.

Me and my friends agreed with them, stating that we will do it after class hours, too.

Later, after class, once Cedric left our classroom, all of us first-years decided to go to the school library to gather books on the subjects that will be on that exam. There Peter helped out by giving suggestions on the material we should get our hands on. Not long after, we went to the tables and throw and tossed our books on them. We then all sat down, opened the books, and started our study session. We read and analyzed texts and lessons and shared and transmitted information to each other. Some of us even began writing the vocabulary and their definitions on small scrap pieces of paper, resembling modern flashcards. I read about lightning magic, mathematics, and world geography while writing down notes in my flashcards so I could copy them to my main journal at home. William and Peter are good at tutoring because of their knowledge on the subjects. Emma seems to be positive, and not thinking about me negatively. Zarah and Harold are exchanging information, too. I was happy about this, thinking, "I hoped our effort worth it." After that thought, I resumed studying.