Chapter 91 – Studying Hard and Smart

Third person POV

Later at home, after dinner, Robert continued his studying session, copying notes from the scrap pieces of paper, reviewing, and memorizing key words, concepts, and definitions. Blaise was watching this from the hallway through the open door, and she smiled with positivity, thinking that her younger brother was studying hard for the upcoming exam.

The next day, three days before the day of the midterm exams, after school, at William's place, William, with the assistance of Peter, made copies of mock exams thanks to a rented printing press and give them to Robert and his friends. Once they had the mock exams, Robert and his team grabbed their pencils and started answering them one by one, thinking hard about the possible answers to the questions. The majority of the mock exams consisted of multiple choices, so it's a bit easier for them to answer. Robert was answering the questions while thinking a bit hard, not wanting to be stressed out by it. Emma was a bit short-tempered, so she was mildly stressed out on the hard ones. Harold easily answers the majority of the questions with ease thanks to his habit of reading books while Zarah felts a similar feeling of ease of answering the questions.

At 5 in the afternoon, William and Peter collected their exam papers to check them for any mistakes. They then looked at Robert and the others, and Peter said to them, "Come back here tomorrow morning for the results."

Robert and the rest then get what Peter said to them, and they, except for Emma, grabbed their belongings and went home before sunset.

At home, Robert tossed his leather messenger bag against the bed, and he lay down on his bed, thinking about the results of his performance on the mock exams.

"I hoped I would get a decent score from that," he thought to himself while looking at the ceiling. "I decided to pause most of my training so I could focus on the midterms."

He then get up and sat on the bed cross-legged and continued thinking, "I can do this. We can do this."

Saturday came, and two days before the exam day, after breakfast, Robert and his friends came to William's house for the results of their mock exams. There William and Peter gave them their exam papers with the final scores written in red ink. Upon receiving the papers, Robert distributed the other papers to his classmates according to their names. Once he and the others looked at the final scores on the exam papers, they had a mixed reaction in accordance to their scores. Robert was surprised to see that he had 92 out of 100, one of the highest of them all. Harold had the same score as Robert's. Emma and Zarah both had 89 out of 100, while the vast majority of their friends had scores above 80. Some were overjoyed while others are a bit envious that their scores are a bit lower than the others.

"Don't worry, guys," William encouraged them in response, "we still have two days. We can do this. I had 90 out of 100."

Eventually, those who had lower scores managed to regain their motivation to study harder.

They then all spent the rest of the day studying, with breaks of course, and this session spilled to the next day. Between those days, Robert and the others went home in the afternoon to rest up and replenish their energies for the next day, which was a Sunday, when they have mostly free time so they could refresh their minds from studying. The exam day is getting closer and closer.