Chapter 92 – Midterm Exams

Third person POV

Monday came, and it's the day of the midterm exams. Robert and his classmates are very anxious, but they eventually disregarded those thoughts and decided to take the risk. After all, they had reviewed the night before, so they are ready for it.

And at school, in the classroom for first-years, Cedric gave each of them a set of 5 exam papers containing questions to each of the subjects, including the extracurricular ones.

After that, Cedric went back to his desk, and said to them, "I'll make sure that none of you cheated. I'll keep a close eye on all of you."

The class was a bit fearful of his strictness.

"Okay, you have 45 minutes to answer all of them," Cedric continued on. "Good luck."

He then sat down and started keeping an eye on them.

The class eventually grabbed their pencils and started answering the questions, one by one.

Robert was thinking while tapping his pencil repeatedly on the desk. He remembered the definitions of most words and concepts.

"I hoped this study session will worth the effort," he thought to himself.

He then suddenly remembered the definition to one of the words, and he immediately write down the correct letter that matches the word.

At the same time, Harold and William are focusing hard with determination while Emma and Zarah are thinking a bit passively while answering the questions.

The rest are answering while thinking in different styles as Cedric was watching over them.

Later, at 10 in the morning, time was up, and Cedric said to them, "Alright, time's up."

The class eventually stopped answering and put their pencils aside. Most of their leads had been worn down from being used to answer the questions.

Cedric then stand up and walked towards them to collect their exam papers, one by one.

Not long after, once he had compiled them into one stack, he said to them, "We'll be checking your papers. All of you may leave and have a 2-hour break time. The results will be posted on the announcement board at the courtyard, so you can see if some of you had passed."

The class then get what he had said to them, and one by one, they stand up and left the classroom. The midterm exams are over, but, what is their scores?