Chapter 93 – The Results

Third person POV

Not long after, at the courtyard, Robert and the students of different grades released their stress and anxiety through various kinds of activities that are allowed at school like playing cards, or simply, conversations to one another. For Robert and his group, they sat on the green grass and let out a big sigh in relief, releasing their stress and anxiety in a good way.

"Man, that exam was so stressful," Robert commented to them.

"Yeah, the questions are similar to the mock exams," Harold responded, "but the points for each question are a bit high."

"That was so stressful," Emma retorted in commenting. "I thought I would die in exhaustion."

"Really, Emma-chan?" William responded to this. "That was just only 100 questions and most of them are simple multiple choices, not fill in the blanks."

"Yeah, it's hard," Emma replied back.

"I hoped our effort will worth it." Robert looked at them from left to right. "I mean, we studied so much. I had like a stack of flashcards at home."

"Really?" Emma replied back. "Are you exaggerating it?"

"Well, more than 20 individual cards," Robert replied back.

This surprises his circle of friends a lot.

"That was a lot. I only wrote 15 of them."

"Mine is 17."

"For me, its 14."

"Yeah, I just like taking notes," Robert responded while scratching the back of his head for a few seconds. "But I only write the most important and critical ones on the flashcards."

His friends then get what he had said.

Then, Zarah had an idea, and she suggested, "I know! Let's cut sheets of paper and turned them into uniform flash cards."

Robert then laughed. "That sounds like a good idea. I had a lot of paper at home."

"Mine is a lot, too," William replied back. "I'll get some and give it to you guys tomorrow."

At the same time, Emma became slightly more positive and brighter in spirit and less bossy and arrogant.

"I'll cut!" Harold volunteered in response.

"Now we have a steady supply for future quizzes and exams," Robert commented.

Meanwhile, as Robert and his friends are giving out more suggestions to each other, a young boy with charcoal black hair and yellow eyes was watching from a corner of the building listening and eavesdropping.

"Flashcards?" that boy thought to himself while kept on looking and listening. "I never thought of that." He was holding his book of weapons anatomy, one of the extracurricular classes.

And that boy was Tanaka Saberheart, the son of the current shogun of Kita and the older brother of Mirai Saberheart, the princess of Kita and student of Masanori.

Later after lunch time, while the lunch time is still on, Robert and his friends returned to the courtyard to see the results of the midterm exams they took a few hours ago. There a crowd of students was gathering at the announcement board, and they are constantly pushing and elbowing each other to get a better look. In response to this, William said to the students boldly, "Make way for Robert Lightningheart!"

The students then turned around, and, upon seeing that it was the prince of Saverfort who said that, they make way for him and the others because they don't want to offend him.

"You don't have to do that!" Robert freaked out in response to this.

"Sorry, I just want to see our scores," William replied back.

"Y-You should've just asked nicely and politely," Robert stammered.

"Oh, that's how it works?"

"Yes, at least a decent request is okay."

After that, Robert and his friends then went forward towards the announcement board to see their names and scores.

Then, moments later, Robert saw that he was at 11th place while William is in 2nd place. Harold is in 12th place, followed by Emma and Zarah.

"Wow, am I in 11th place?" Robert asked.

"Yeah, you did a great job, Robert-kun," William complimented. "I was in 2nd place."

"Man, I'm just behind Ro-kun," Harold positively responded.

Upon seeing his student's name just below his, Robert looked at Harold. "It's okay, you did your best."

Harold then remained positive and happy with his score.

But, Emma was upset and jealous that Robert was ahead of her, thinking, "That low-life!"

Meanwhile, at the headmaster's office, upon looking at Robert's score on the first page of the exam papers, Sol smiled in feeling that his precious student did his best on that midterm exam.

"Great job, Robert," he thought in his mind.

He then gathered it and the exam papers of the other first-year students and handed them to Cedric telling, "Give these to your students before they would go home."

"Right," Cedric responded in obedience upon receiving the papers, before leaving the office and closed the door as Sol looks from the distance.