Chapter 94 – Tanaka Fukui Saberheart

Third person POV

Later, after class, Cedric handed the exam papers to Robert and his classmates and told them to show it to their parents/guardians, before dismissing the class and left the classroom with his bag.

Not long after, Robert and his friends are walking towards the main campus gate when Tanaka ran towards them, shouting, "Wait!"

Upon hearing that, Robert and the others turned around.

"What is it?" Robert asked back.

"Do you know the technique known as flashcards?" Tanaka asked in response.

"Yeah, we do," answered Robert back. "Why?"

"Can I have some?"

"Sure. I have some."

Robert then opened his messenger leather bag, get some blank flashcards he had neatly torn the night before, and gave it to Tanaka. "Here you go. Use them for your studies."

Receiving the flashcards, Tanaka responded with gratitude, "Thank you so much. I'll do my best."

"You're welcome," replied Robert back. "By the way, what's your name?"

Then, Peter came forward and responded, "This is Tanaka Fukui Saberheart. He's a second-year student and a regular at the library."

Upon hearing that, Robert replied, "Oh…."

He then thought, "That sounds like Japanese, much like Masanori-sensei."

After that thought, Robert smiled at Tanaka and responded, "Nice to meet you, Tanaka-senpai. I'm Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart and Windheart clans. I'm a first-year."

He then offered a handshake to him.

Tanaka was hesitant at first, but he eventually give in and accepted it, responding, "Hi, too."

They then both discharged from handshaking.

"So, did you pass the midterm exam?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, I'm in 11th place with a score of 91," answered Robert back.

"Wow, congratulations," Tanaka replied back with positive delight.


Shortly thereafter, Robert, Tanaka, and their friends are now walking together. Then, Robert asked Tanaka if he have a house in Peacewood.

"Oh, yes, I do have one," answered Tanaka back positively.

He then started looking around while responding, "I think it's somewhere here…"

"Where is it?" William asked.

They then all turned to the left, and Tanaka, who was ahead of them, then quickly found it.

"Guys, it's right over here," he said to them while pointing his finger at the Japanese-style house with two floors.

Upon seeing that, Robert and his friends are very surprised to see that being unique than the typical, almost uniform buildings around it.

"Is that your home?" Peter asked.

"Yes," Tanaka responded back, "and I had been living there since first-year."

"I see," Robert replied. "Do you take any extracurricular classes?"

"Well, yes, Weapons Anatomy, to be exact," responded Tanaka.

"Woah, what's that?" Robert asked back.

"It's a class where students learn how to make all kinds of weapons," Peter explained in response.

"Oh, okay," Robert replied back. "Well, I'm not interested at all. I'm more interested in how to wield and attack with melee weapons."

"Okay, okay, this is not the place to have a chat," Tanaka decided to cut their conversation. "Let's go inside."

He then opened the door using a key he always brought with him to school, and Robert and the others went in, before Tanaka went in and shut the door.