Chapter 97 – Disgrace to the Windheart clan

Robert's POV

Along the way, while walking with my friends, I started to think about Windheart clan more and more, assuming about their lifestyle and rules of etiquette. I have like a million assumptions floating in my head, but I decided to disregard most of them due to its unlikeliness.

Later on, I parted ways with William and the others before going back to my house. At home, I immediately changed my clothes and went to the back of the house to the forests where Blaise is waiting for me.

"Sorry, I'm late," I apologized to her as I panted for my breath from running.

Blaise, who was sitting on the fallen log the whole time, then smiled at me and responded, "It's okay, the sun is not yet gone. Where have you been?"

Still panting for my breath, I replied, "I hanged out at a senpai's house."

"Senpai?" asked Blaise back. "Your friend is a second-year? I thought they're first-years."

I then sighed one last time before straightening my back and replied, "There's a second-year who wants some flashcards for learning, so I gave most of my cutout cards to him, and thus, we became friends."

"Wow, you're getting more and more sociable, Robert-kun," Blaise commented.

"Thanks," I happily responded back. "So, shall we begin our afternoon training?"

And so, our short training on wind and lightning magic had begun.

I focused more and more of my mana to the wind magic, increasing the volume and speed of Gust slightly more and more with improvement.

Blaise was pretty positive and optimistic on my improvements on my wind magic.

By almost 7 in the evening, we both went back to our house to do our evening routine. Later after taking a bath and changing into my indoor clothes, as usual almost every single night, I went downstairs to eat dinner with Blaise, who was making mashed potatoes, roasted chicken with vegetable stuffing, and whole wheat bread. And while eating, I revealed my plans for the spring break, including my desire to go to the Saheda kingdom.

But in response to that, Blaise felt a bit unease by my plans and became a bit gloomy.

"Um, what's wrong, big sis?" I asked in response.

But Blaise couldn't answer his question, and she was a bit trembling with fear.

"Is there something wrong with mom's clan?" I asked again.

Eventually, Blaise sighed in defeat and admitted, "I don't think they like us."

"Why?" I replied back.

"It's ran away from them," Blaise reasoned out.

I was shocked to hear that revelation. "What? Why she would do that?"

For real, I never heard about how mom and dad met in the first place from my father's clan.

"It's because…she was restricted by her clan's expectations and rules," Blaise answered back softly. "She couldn't take it anymore, so one night, she packed up and left her clan's estate and kingdom."

To that I thought, "I knew most of the Windheart clan's lifestyle is like that! I was partially right."

So, I cleared my throat. "I understand. I guessed their rules and expectations are too strict for her. So, did she tell that to you?"

Blaise then nodded. "Yes, 2 years before she and dad died."

"I see," I replied back without any judgment. "Well, it's okay, I hoped they like us. We didn't do anything wrong. We're not like mom at all."

"Yes, you're right," Blaise agreed with me. "So, on the beginning of spring break?"

I nodded. "Yes, let's go there, together."

"Okay," Blaise agreed with me.

And so, our conversation of revelations is over, and I hoped that the Windheart clan would accept us as a part of their family.