Chapter 98 – Trip to Saheda

Third person POV

Two months had passed, and it's the start of the spring break from school. And one morning, after their usual morning routine, Robert and Blaise packed up most of their belongings in trunk boxes. Most of their belongings are clothes, books, and flasks. While Robert was excited and looking forward for the trip, Blaise was a bit unease, but less unease than two months ago. But this time, they will carry less trunk boxes than on their trip to Keystone.

"Man, I'm excited for this trip, big sis," Robert said to Blaise while putting his books into one of the medium-sized wooden trunk boxes. "Finally, it's spring break."

"Yeah, me too as well," Blaise responded back. "I saved up a lot of money for this trip, too."

Upon seeing his older sister's expression, Robert was concerned, and he asked, "Are you okay, big sis?"

"Yes, I'm just…a bit anxious," answered Blaise back.

"Are you anxious about the Windheart clan?"

"Yes, but I'm less anxious than before."

"I see. Okay, I'm just glad that you're okay."


Shortly thereafter, Robert went downstairs with one of the trunk boxes to put it alongside another trunk box at the living room. Then, suddenly, someone was knocking on the door. So, Robert put the trunk box aside and went to the front door to open it while responding, "Coming!"

Once he opened the door, Robert was surprised to see that it was Sol who was knocking on the door.

"H-Headmaster Sol?" he responded. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to come on your trip to Saheda," Sol positively replied back.

"Okay, why?" Robert asked back.

"Why, I just wanted to come with one of my special students, that's all."

"Okay, me? A special student?"

"Yes, you are."


Then, Blaise came downstairs with a trunk box, only to see their conversation at the front door.

"Oh, good morning, Sol-san," she greeted.

"Morning, Blaise-chan," Sol greeted back.

"Wait, you told about our trip to Headmaster Sol?" Robert asked.

"Yes, and he decided to come with us," Blaise responded while smiling for a few seconds.

"That's why."

Later, along the way to Saheda, inside of one of Zarah's rented horse wagons, William, Emma, Peter, and Harold came as well. Robert, Blaise, and Sol are with them, alongside their belongings while Zarah was sitting in the front next to the driver. And beside them on the road is the horse wagon belonging to Tadashi and Tanaka, who also wanted to come with them. Their plan is to go Saheda first, then to the Shogunate of Kita, before going back to Saverfort when their visit is over. Out of those who came to this trip, Sol had the least amount of belongings brought for this five-day journey. This indicates that Sol doesn't carry much. Their trip will be long, but they are determined to get to their destination.

And in Zarah's horse wagon, Robert and his group are passing the time by playing cards and reading books. Sol was watching with positive delight while Blaise was reading one of her alchemy books. They did all that as the wagon rattled slightly on the dirt road.