Chapter 103 – Zanid

Zarah's POV

Man, that sales was so good and high. I can't believe we earned a lot of money, but we decided to split the money equally because I am already rich.

I think all these words as I sat next to the driver and the wagon is rattling on the dirt road.

Later on, we finally passed the corridor valleys and the environment transitions into a desert. It was quite hot, but I just put on my hood to shield myself from the heat, and the wagon cover was good at blocking the sunlight.

I then glanced around, seeing the desert sands and the huge number of oasis scattered across the desert. This road is only a few of that leads to Zanid, and there are a dozen villages/towns across the desert, mostly near oasis and other bodies of water. Luckily, we stocked up on water before at a water spring at Kavid before we continue on.

"I really missed my home," I thought to myself. "It's been a few months ever since I left to study at Saverfort. I wondered how are my family and clan doing. I hoped they're doing fine. I mean, Robert-kun is also a Windheart. I hoped they would accept him and his older sister."

Then, I heard some shouting coming from the back.

I can tell it's Peter because of the tone of his voice, which was unique and a bit deep.

"Why is he shouting?" I asked in my mind. "Did he lose in that game of cards again? It's just a game."

6 hours had passed, and we had arrived at the gates of Zanid, the capital city of Saheda.

"What are you here for?" one of the guards asked upon inspection.

I then took off my hood and responded, "We're here for a vacation trip, alongside this wagon over there."

The guards were surprised upon seeing and recognizing my face, and another of them exclaimed, "Princess Zarah!"

And immediately, the guards opened the gates for us, and one of them said, "I'm sorry! Welcome to Zanid."

Once the gates are fully opened, I gestured to the driver to continue on, before gesturing to Tadashi to go as well.

Tadashi and the driver did so, and we continued on inside of the city walls.

As the trumpets were blown to announce my arrival, people in the streets bowed their heads as a greeting to me, a princess.

Then, someone went to the front and asked, "Are we there yet? Because I saw some buildings and everything."

Upon hearing that, I turned around, only to see that it was Robert who asked that.

"Yes, we are here," I answered back nicely and positively. "Welcome to Zanid."

"Oh, thanks," Robert responded, before going back inside to inform this to the others.

Then, shouts of "Welcome back, princess!" permeated across the area all the way to the royal palace.

Also, I would describe Zanid as a fortress of trade and administration in the middle of the desert, and it was located at one of the only rivers that flow across the desert.