Chapter 104 – The Windheart Clan

Third person POV

Shortly thereafter, both wagons had arrived in front of the royal palace, a huge, sprawling complex with green gardens and ornate fountains. The royal family and the entirety of the Windheart clan, who were informed of the visit by Zarah herself, are standing at the huge porch of the main palace, waiting and anticipating for this visit.

Once her rented wagon and Tadashi's wagon came to a stop, Zarah get off and went to the back and said to Robert and the others, "Guys, we're here."

Then, one of her servants came forward and greeted her, "Welcome back, Zarah-sama."

Upon hearing him, Zarah glanced at him and responded, "Good evening, will you and the other servants carry their belongings to one of the huge guest houses?"

"Yes, ma'am," the servant replied, before hurriedly going back to inform the other servants of that task.

"Welcome back, Zarah," Zarah's father and current king of Saheda, Alexander Hal Windheart greeted positively.

"Hello, father," Zarah greeted back formally. "I'm home."

Then, someone with white hair and brown eyes, rushed towards Zarah and gave her a deep hug while greeting happily, "Welcome back, little sis!"

It was Zarah's older brother, Stephen Hal Windheart.

"Woah, woah, big brother," Zarah tried to calm his enthusiasm, "calm down. Our homes are next to each other. You can just take a five-day journey."

(What she meant is that the kingdom of Saverfort, her current home, is just next to Saheda, her official home.)

After Stephen discharged from hugging, Robert and his group get off the wagons so the Hal family's servants would climb in to get their belongings.

"Huh? Who are those people?" Stephen asked Zarah upon seeing Robert and the others. "Are those your friends?"

Zarah then glanced at Robert and the others, before glancing at her older brother. "Yes, these are my friends and classmates." Then to Robert and the others, "Guys, introduce yourselves to my family."

She then make way so Robert and the others would face her family.

Robert and his group did so, and Robert goes first, responding, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart and Windheart clans."

Nathan and Alexander and his wife, Miriam Hal Windheart, are very surprised to hear the name of their clan in Robert's introduction.

"My name is Blaise Lightningheart, his older sister," Blaise responded with an introduction.

"I'm William Verde Demonheart, the crowned prince of Saverfort," William responded with a respectful way of greeting.

"I'm Emma Demonheart, his cousin," Emma responded.

"And I'm Peter Demonheart, Emma's older brother," Peter added.

"I'm Harold Earthheart Jaune, prince of Vanworth," Harold positively responded with a respectful introduction.

"I'm Tanaka Saberheart, prince of Kita," Tanaka responded with respect. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And I'm Tadashi Saberheart, Tanaka's uncle," Tadashi added.

"I'm Sol Spiritheart, the headmaster of Peacewood Magic Academy," Sol responded with respect.

But, the Hal family and the Windheart clan are shocked to hear the word 'prince' multiple times.

"P-Prince?" Stephen commented in shock. "Most of you guys are princes?!"

"That's right, Stephen-kun," William replied back positively. "I am the heir to the throne of Saverfort."

"Me too," Tanaka added.

"Okay," Nathan responded.

He then looked at Sol and asked, "And you, are you the headmaster of that prestigious magic academy?"

"Yes, I am," Sol answered back.

"I see."

But then, moments later, someone rushed towards Robert and Blaise to look at them. And that someone is Dan Windheart, their maternal grandfather and the current head of the Windheart clan.

"Are you two the children of my daughter?" he asked both of them while looking at them closely.

"Um, who's your daughter?" Robert asked back in nervousness.

"It's Paula," Dan responded back.

Robert was new to that fact, but Blaise already knew that at a young age, so she just confirmed it.

Hearing that, Dan suddenly became cold at her, knowing that she looked like his daughter, one who brought shame to his clan.

But, when he looked at Robert, he became happy to see Robert in person for the first time in his life.

"Come here, Robert, grandpa is here," he said to him as he hugged him so tightly that Robert almost couldn't breathe.

"Grandpa, I can't breathe," Robert said to him while trying to gasp for air.

Then, Sol came forward and said to Dan, "Please, he can't breathe with that tight hug."

Realizing this, Dan quickly let go of him while apologizing a few times.

Gasping for air, Robert accepted his apologies.

Then, someone in the Windheart clan, an energetic and enthusiastic young boy named Jeremiah Windheart, rushed towards Robert and hugged him tightly while greeting, "It's so nice to meet you! My name is Jeremiah! Are you the son of my aunt Paula?"

"Uh, yeah?" answered Robert.

Discharging from hugging, Jeremiah held both of Robert's hands, and replied, "I knew she would have children. How about siblings?"

In response to that, Robert pointed at Blaise, answering, "This is my older sister, Blaise."

Looking at Blaise, Jeremiah once more became excited and went to her, shaking hands with her while saying, "It's so nice to meet you! My name is Jeremiah Windheart."

"Oh, nice to meet you, too, Jeremiah," Blaise slowly responded back.

Jeremiah then discharged from handshaking.

At that point, despite Jeremiah's niceness towards her, Blaise was a bit down, knowing that she wasn't liked by her maternal grandfather. But, Dan's wife, Fiona, came and comforted her, reassuring that Dan loves her.

Eventually, Blaise became a bit happier because of that.

And then, Alexander gave Robert and his group a warm welcome to his palace.