Chapter 107 – The Guesthouse

Third person POV

After taking a bath, Robert and his group, except for Stephen, his family, Dan, and Fiona, went to their designated guesthouse, which was luxurious and spacious. It was near the clan estate part of the palace complex, and it's just a few minutes' walk away from the main palace. The building itself is made of sandstone and had some ornaments and even a fountain in front of the main entrance. Each room was as spacious as the most spacious apartment unit they could ever find in the whole of Saheda. The rooms had luxurious furniture, from beds and chairs to tables and even nightstands; they also had red and blue carpets and balconies, which can be accessed via a double door with glass.

Arriving at their designated room, Robert unlocked the door using the key he received from one of the caretakers of the guesthouse, and opened it, only to see the luxurious interior of their room. The lights are turned on before they arrived.

"Wow, it's so luxurious," Robert commented in amazement.

"Yeah, it was," Blaise agreed with him. "I never seen a room that luxurious."

Robert then glanced at their beds, only to see their belongings neatly stacked next to a wardrobe.

"Oh, there's our stuff," he said to Blaise, before he and Blaise entered in, and Robert shut the door.

They then dressed up in their indoor clothes while standing at separated changing rooms divided by a tall divider.

After that, they did their modified night routine, with Robert journaling about his day and trip. Blaise was reading one of her books on alchemy while trying to forget Dan's cold glare at her.

Meanwhile, at the Windheart estate's main house, at his bedroom, while Fiona was preparing for bed, Dan looked at the framed photo of his daughter Paula, looking a bit sorrowful. He had partially regretted his cold treatment of his granddaughter, but still, he doesn't like her and strongly favored Robert over her.

"I'm sorry, Paula," he muttered in a low voice. "You're right, James should be your husband."

He then put the framed photo down, and sat on his bed while looking at the full moon through the open window.

Later, at 9 in the evening, at the guesthouse, while Blaise and the others are asleep, Robert was still awake, looking at the full moon at the balcony. His right leg crossed the other one as his arms rested on the sandstone guardrails.

"Mom, dad, I wonder why am I a gift to you two," he thought to himself as the wind blows mildly against his clothes.

After some time, he yawned and went back inside, closing the doors and turned off the lights before going to bed.