Chapter 143 – A Test Fight with your Instructor

Third person POV

Not long after, Masanori decided to test his students' skills in fighting by having a joint duel with them. Robert, William, Harold, and Emma then agreed with him. And so, they had a duel in a wide courtyard in the Kawabata estate.

"Let's see your skills," Masanori said to them.

"We'll do our best," Robert responded back.

Their joint duel had begun.

Masanori drew out his trusty katana and wielded it at his students, who then all drew out their own weapons.

He then charged at them, but his attack was blocked by their jointed counter block.

"Wow, your counter block was quite strong," Masanori commented with positive enjoyment.

"Yeah, we also worked on that ourselves as well," William responded.

But then, Masanori pushed their blocking attack by force.

Luckily, none of his students fell down as a result, and they managed to remain standing.

"Sensei, that was a strong push, too," Robert commented.

"Yeah, that's right," Masanori replied as he swings his katana horizontally twice. "I have been trained ever since I was a child by my parents and grandfather."

To that Robert thought, "Wow, that was a strict and long training he went through."

And then, Robert and his friends charged at Masanori together at the same time.

But Masanori dodged them fast, and they noticed his speed and level of alertness.

"Man, he's so fast," Robert said to his friends.

"Yeah, he is," Emma agreed with him.

"Let's do the Slash Technique," William said to them.

(The Slash Technique is a combo technique where two or more users of any melee weapon enhance their mana and include their elemental or spiritual magic with their weapon, before attacking the opponent together at the same time.)

And they used it just that, and Masanori was very surprised to see that because he never taught them that technique.

Robert and his friends learned it themselves via a textbook of that subject.

This really overwhelmed Masanori a lot, and he tried to block it, but got blasted a few feet away.

Luckily he wasn't injured at all, and he is alright, so as his precious katana, and just fell to the ground.

"So, how was it, sensei?" Robert asked him after that.

Getting up and dusting his clothes off, Masanori admitted defeat and answered, "That was a really strong Slash Technique you had."

He then put back his katana in its scabbard and continued on, "My own students learned more on their own than from me. I liked it."

Robert and his friends then put their weapons completely.

Harold then asked, "You do, sensei?"

Masanori then nodded. "Yes."

At this point, his students are happy of being appreciated by their weapons instructor.

After that, Masanori went to his grandfather to report what had happened, who was then marveled at his grandson's students' teamwork and skills. Robert and his group stayed at the estate until after lunchtime. Their lunch consisted of sushi, vegetables, and some fish dishes.