Chapter 149 – First Round

Third person POV

Later, once Robert and his friends were registered under a bunch of false names since Sora didn't know Robert's friends' names, Sora said to them, "See you later, newbies." He then went off with his two servants. While William, Emma, and Peter are a bit pissed off by Sora's insult, Robert and Harold managed to keep their cool.

"Don't be angry," Sol said to the Demonhearts. "It'll only worsen the situation."

Eventually, the three Demonhearts calmed their anger down.

Then, Emi came to the tournament, but she will not sign up and just wanted to watch the tournament itself.

Upon noticing her, Robert greeted, "Oh, hey, Emi-chan. Are you here for the tournament?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going to sign up," Emi humbly responded back. "I'll watch with my family."

"I see."

"You'll have a front row seat, too, right?" Harold asked Emi.

"Yes, my clan is a part in the General Council, the main governing body of this country," Emi replied with an explanation.

"Oh, okay," Emma responded back.

"Yes, I know that," Sol added.

After that, Sol continued, "Well, I'll be at the seats to watch you fight."

"Okay, Headmaster Sol," Robert replied back in positivity, "we'll be in the back rooms preparing."

He then turned to his friends and said, "Let's go, guys."

His friends agreed, and they all went to the back rooms while Sol and Emi went to the seats to watch the tournament.

Later, at 9:01 a.m., as the Fukui family and some of the members of the General Council and their wives and children sat down in their designated seats, the tournament had begun with the announcement from the host, who decides which participants should be paired up in a series of rounds. Sol also got a front-row seat due to his position and status as a headmaster of a prestigious academy, and he was seated next to Emi.

The first round goes with two random swordsmen, a male and a female, and the two gates on opposite sides opened so they could face each other with their swords, before those gates closed. The round was on, and a loud "Fight!" was shouted, thus they fight using their skills. Both sides are intense in fighting, as if they had been training for years. Exchanges of both insults and confidence can be heard from them.

Robert and his friends watch it through the wooden windows from the back rooms.

"Woah, they're that skillful," William commented.

"Yeah," Harold agreed with him.

But, after a few minutes of fighting, both sides are now exhausted and collapsed to the ground, resulting in a tie.

"That means they're equally skillful," Sol commented as his arms are crossed.

Emi then nodded in agreement.

Eventually, the two swordsmen get up and bowed their heads to each other, before going back into the arena building via the same gates, which was opened for them; and thus, the first round was over.

"I don't think I would be first," Robert thought in unsurety.