Chapter 150 - Prince of Saverfort vs. Sora

Third person POV

The second round is Hashi, or actually, William, versus Sora. William was a bit displeased to hear that. He knows this because Sol gave him and his friends a piece of paper containing their pseudonyms prior to the first round. William and Sora stepped out of the back rooms once the gates are opened to face each other, before the gates would close again. They then readied their weapons, and the host shouted, "Fight!"

"I'll show you my sword skills, newbie," Sora said to him.

"I can't believe my name was different in the registry," William responded as he felt a bit ashamed despite his high social status.

Sora then charged towards him while shouting and wielding his expensive katana.

William then swung his sword horizontally to summon a fire barrier made of magic.

But Sora just broke through the barrier as if it was butter, and William quickly blocked it with his sword.

In the audience, Masanori was a bit stunned to see William's Flame Barrier using his sword failed to shield him.

Both sides are now struggling to push each other.

Robert and his friends are stunned to see that.

"That barrier didn't work," Robert commented.

"He just broke through it like butter," Emma added.

"You can do it, William-kun," Robert thought.

Back at the fight, William pushed through by redirecting most of his mana to his strength, and Sora got pushed a few meters away. But Sora was undetermined so he charged once more. William then positioned his sword horizontally, but when Sora clashed against him and his sword, he got knocked out towards the wall of the arena, breaking it partially and not too deeply. How it happened is because of Sora's hidden ability, the Powerup, his clan's secret technique that was passed down for generations. The crowd gasped as they watch Saverfort's crowned prince got knocked out. Most of them knew about him being the crowned prince of Saverfort, but a bit confused why he got a different name thanks to Sora.

"That was humiliating for him," Sol said to Emi and Masanori.

"Oh, no," Robert commented.

"William-kun!" Tanaka responded to this as he sits next to his father.

As William struggles to get up, Sora then walked up to him. "Give it up. I'm way stronger than you."

Not wanting to cast his curse to him, William decided to give up and admitted his defeat, and thus, Sora wins the second round, as announced by the host.

At this point, Robert remembered William's curse to those who lose against him and responded, "Right, his 10 Years of Virginity."

Harold didn't know about that yet, so he asked, "What's that?"

In response to that, Emma explained about that to him.

Harold was shocked, and he became a bit scared and thought, "I don't want to lose against him!"

And so, William held his sword and bowed his head. "Thanks for the battle."

The gate behind him opened, and he then turned around and went back into the back rooms, before the gate was closed.

But, according to the rules of the tournament, those who win will have to remain for the next round so Sora remained in his position.

In the back rooms, as William sat down and looked at his partially dirty clothes, Robert asked him if he was alright.

"Yes, I'm fine," answered William back to him. "I decided to give up so my curse will not go to him."

"That's a close call," Peter commented. "You would've ruined his life for 10 years."

"Yeah, I think I'll lose at every battle for the entire tournament period," William responded back.

"That would be good," Robert agreed with him.

Harold couldn't say anything due to his fear of his curse.