Chapter 151 - Refugee Prince of Vanworth vs. Sora

Third person POV

The third round is Ken, or Harold, versus Sora. Harold then stepped out into the battle before the gates shut closed, causing him to be a bit startled.

"Hmm, you looked weak," Sora said to him.

Harold then looked at him while holding his sword. "What?"

Although he was deprived of a melee weapon by his tyrannical father and older brother, he was given a sword by Robert, who bought it for him.

"Where do you come from, kid?" Sora questioned.

"Oh, um, I'm a refugee prince from Vanworth," answered Harold back.

The crowd then gasped at this revelation, and the host commented, "Wow, I think we have a prince in this round."

This causes Harold to be a bit frightened because he had revealed his true identity to thousands of people.

"Ha! You mean that rotten kingdom, and you're a refugee?" Sora made fun of him. "That's running away!"

He then laughed at that.

Harold then felt a bit bad for his past actions, but Robert shouted at him, "Don't listen to him! What you did in the past really open new doors for you!"

"Yeah! Don't give up!" William added.

Upon hearing that, Harold's self-confidence was restored, and he was determined to knock Sora out of the fight and win.

"Go on," he said to him in cool enjoyment, "try me."

Then, the third round began, and the host shouted, "Fight!"

"You chose the wrong way," Sora responded, before wielding his katana and charged at him.

Harold then swung his sword horizontally to summon an Earth Barrier using magic.

This causes Sora to strike it multiple times until the barrier broke.

Harold then dodged Sora's attack.

"You think you could defeat me, the son of a well-known samurai?" he asked Harold.

"I'll do my best then," Harold seriously responded.

Sora was pissed off, and he attacked Harold.

But Harold immediately summoned another Earth Barrier once more to defend himself from Sora.

This time, Sora broke through easily and Harold had to block his attack with his sword.

Both sides tried to push each other out as the audience took a closer look on who will win.

And then, Harold kicked Sora in the stomach using his left knee, knocking him back a few meters away.

Sora then felt in pain in his stomach.

"You...," he said to Harold as he looks at him with a hostile-like look on his face, "...bastard!"

He then used Powerup to boost strength and speed while charging towards him.

Once again, Harold blocked his attack with sword and tried to resist his overwhelming power.

But then, Sora eventually overpowered him, and Harold got knocked out to the wall in the same way William did, crashing him against the wooden wall.

"Oh, no!" Peter responded to this.

"Not him, too," Emi gasped.

"It seems that young man is stronger than him," Sol commented in his mind as he watches it.

The audience then cheered for the winner, Sora.

As Harold struggles to get up, Sora walks up to him. "This is what you get for kicking me, brat."

But this time, Harold wasn't devastated by that insult and just gets up and responded briefly and normally, "It's okay, I did all I can. But still, I have a lot to learn."

Sora wasn't happy about his statement, far from his expectation of a response from a loser.

Harold then looked at him with cool seriousness. "You win. It doesn't matter for me if I win or lose, as long as I enjoyed it."

Sora was pissed off, and he asked, "Who taught you that?"

In response to that, Harold glanced at Robert and back at Sora, before answering, "Robert-sensei."

"That old-haired boy?" Sora retorted.

Robert felt a bit insulted by that, thinking, "Does he even know about the Lightningheart clan's common hair color?"

"Yes, but he's not old-haired," Harold protested in defense for his mentor. "But rather, he's good and understandable."

Once again, Sora's arrogant and pride really struck by Harold's defense.

"Let's have a battle someday," Harold added, "or maybe, tomorrow."

"Wow, he is defensive of his mentor," Sol commented.

"Yeah, he is," Masanori agreed with him.

As the gates behind him opened, he then turned around and went back to the back rooms, before the gates are closed.

At this point, Sora was angry at Harold's non-retaliation nature, and vowed to make him pay for that.

Back at the back rooms, Robert and his friends really complimented Harold's defense and non-retaliation.

"Yeah, it's partially thanks to you guys," Harold said to them.

"You really defended me out there," Robert responded positively and with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Yes, you had influenced me so much," Harold replied back.

Meanwhile, a spy in the audience, who was working for the king of Vanworth and having seen Harold's part, then get up and left the arena to report that to his fellow spies in the capital.