Chapter 156 – To lose is to satisfy someone

Robert's POV

On that round, I faced Emma at the arena with my katana. And from what I can tell, she was not happy about this. Staring at me seriously with a mild fury, Emma said to me, "You should've lost the last round."

"Well," I tried to defuse the situation, "at least we could have a proper battle unlike last time, I guessed."

"Fine then, I'll beat you to a pulp," replied Emma before wielding her pair of battle axes.

"Yeah, that would be fair," I thought. "I'll just go easy and lose against her then."

And so, our fight began, and the host shouted, "Fight!" Emma shrouded her battle axes with fire magic and charged at me. I then blocked her attack with Electric Force Field, but I made it weak and easy to break. And so, just I expected, Emma broke through my force field easily and I dodged her attack.

But then, she swung one of her axes at me, but I just intercepted it with my katana.

In order for her to win, I didn't use Lightning Rod on her.

"I'll humiliate you!" Emma shouted at me with seriousness and determination written on her face.

"I don't care at all," I replied back while having fun, "as long as I'm enjoying this."

This makes her angry and pushes me off, which I was willing to do so.

As a result, I fell down to the ground, and Emma pointed her right battle axe at me, telling me to give up for being weak.

But I wanted to extend this fight a little bit more, so I just kept my cool. "Ha! Not yet, Emma-chan!"

I then get up and beckoned her to try to hit me.

She was absolutely pissed off, and tried to kick me with her left foot.

But I dodged that fast with Flash Speed, and hit her with a weak Lightning Rod attack at her, weak enough so she would not get paralyzed by it.

She was a bit more furious than ever, and she used Sword Summon, summoning more than a dozen swords around her.

"Okay, that'll be hard for me to go easy on her," I thought.

She then controlled her summoned swords to charge at me.

Once again, I used Electric Force Field again, with the same amount of strength it has as last time.

And then, the swords broke through the force field and I used Spark to deactivate them, causing them to fall to the ground.

"That was close," I commented, "but fun."

Emma was not happy about this, and she eventually used Fire Bombs at me.

I then dodged some of them, but decided to get hit by most of them willingly and intentionally.

Luckily, the cloak I wore is also fireproof, so it would not be burned by fire or acid.

This lasted for over half a minute, before Emma was exhausted because of the amount of mana she used. I was also exhausted from dodging, too, but my cloak was without a single trace of a burn mark.

"I'll...never give up on you," Emma said to me as she pants for her breath.

"Well, I give up," I replied back, before chuckling a bit.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing," I responded. "You win."

I then partially collapsed to the ground to show that I had lost against her.

The audience gasped, and some of them muttered to each other about me losing to Emma.

"Wow, everyone, it seems Lightningheart Robert here had given up," the host announced. "Tori wins."

The audience then cheered for her, but I didn't care at all because what I did is to satisfy her enough.

"I win?" Emma asked upon looking around.

"Yes," I responded.

She then looked at me.

"What I did is on purpose," I continued on, before getting up and gave her a handshake as a sign of a good game.

Upon seeing that, Emma was hesitated while looking away from me partially like a tsundere at first, but she eventually gives in and accepted it. "I can't believe you would actually do this."

We then discharged from handshaking.

"You're still in my way," she said to me.

"Okay then," I responded back happily. "I'll win against you next time."

After that, once the gates are opened, we went to our back rooms, before the gates shut once more, ending the round.