Chapter 155 – Aura Magic

Robert's POV

Later, I woke up, only to see that I was in a hospital-like room. I then turned to my left, and saw Lain, my opponent, laying on a tatami mat, unconscious.

"Yeah, he collapsed to the ground," I thought. "I hoped he 'd fine."

Then, I heard someone called my name, "Robert-kun!"

I then got up and turned to my right, only to see that it was Blaise who called me.

She rushed to me and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, I think so," I replied back. "How's Lain-san?"

In response, Blaise looked at him, before looking back at me. "He's fine."

I then sighed in relief because I am not brutal at all, which is not a part of my two-faced personality.


And then, someone else called my name, and we looked at the door. Someone then slide the door open, and they are actually Sol, Peter, Zarah, and Emma, alongside Tanaka and Masanori.

"Are you okay?" one of them asked me.

"Oh, hey, guys," I responded with greeting. "Did I collapse?"

"Yes, you did," answered Sol back. "You almost used up all of your mana."

"Yeah, you're so cool!" Tanaka commented enthusiastically.

"Right," I replied back in realizing the reason why, "I used most of my mana to boost my Thunder Storm."

"Yes, you did," Peter responded.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in the arena's clinic," Tanaka replied.

"Oh, there is?"


"Okay, so, did I win?" I asked back. "Because I collapsed."

"Yes," Masanori answered. "Will you continue to battle later?"

"Are there any more opponents for me?" I asked again.

"Yes, it's Emma-chan," Peter replied.

This causes Emma to be angry like a tsundere, and punches her older brother in the stomach moderately for saying that.

"You little...!" she said to him.

"My stomach!" Peter replied as he felt the pain, before partially collapsing to the floor.

Blaise sees this and went to help him while asking, "Are you okay?"

"Emma!" Sol scolded her in response.

"Why would you do that?" Masanori asked her.

Emma then scoffed. "Whatever, I'll beat him up in the next round."

Hearing this, I thought, "I decided to give in and let her win instead. I'm done winning anyway then."

Shortly thereafter, Lain woke up and got up asking, "What happened to me?"

We then looked at him, only to see that he was, indeed, alright.

"Lain-san!" I said to him.

He then looked at me and responded, "Robert-kun? Why are you here?"

Before I could answer back, Sol replied, "He collapsed after using up almost all of his mana."

"Oh, that must have been painful," Lain commented.

"Yes, but he's okay now," Masanori replied.

After that, Lain said, "Man, you're quite strong. I wished I could be like you."

"Yeah, thanks," I responded casually and normally. "By the way, does your family use any magic?"

"Yes, that would be aura magic," Lain willingly answered back without a second thought.

"Aura magic?" I asked back.

"It's a kind of magic only a few clans possess," Blaise responded.

I was quite surprised to hear that. I know that Blaise was Sol's student when I was little.

"Oh," I responded back.

"Yeah, and my clan is one of them," Lain replied.

"You had a similar age as my sister," Peter said to him. "Are you a student?"

"Yes, at the Keystone Central Magic Academy, second-year," Lain answered back. "It's because my parents didn't want me to join Vanworth's schools because they promote false information as a part of their curriculum. So they sent me to that school. How about yours?"

"Oh, it's Peacewood Magic Academy," I responded.

Lain was surprised to hear that. "That prestigious school?"

"Yes, alongside his friends," Sol answered, "and in fact, I am their headmaster."

Lain was amazed at Sol's decision to be with his students.

"Okay, that's amazing. What year they are now?"

"About to be in second-year," Masanori responded back, "while Tanaka-san, the crowned prince of this country, will be in third-year."

"I see."

Watching this makes me happy, thinking, "I truly enjoyed my life in this world."

I then spent an hour more restoring my mana before going back to the back rooms to face Emma at 4:01 p.m.