Chapter 160 – Operation Bamboo Sticks

Third person POV

  Later, Sol, Emma, Zarah, and Peter are on the way from the plaza arena and back to the palace estate. Tanaka and his family, alongside Masanori and his family, are still at the arena watching the tournament, which lasts until 7 in the evening. 

  "That Robert was still a rival to me," Emma commented to her headmaster arrogantly. 

  "Seriously?" replied Peter back. "Even though you win against him? He did that for you." 

  "Yeah, don't be so arrogant," Sol added. 

  "He wasn't that bad," Zarah added, too.

But Emma won't listen to them at all, and still considered Robert as her main rival.

  Later, at 4:33 p.m., the four of them arrived at the palace estate and the palace servants gave them a warm welcome back, before going straight to the guesthouse. When they arrived there with a greeting, they saw that Robert and the others are anxiously waiting for them. 

  "I knew they would be anxious about it," Sol commented. 

Robert and the others then looked at them, and Robert responded, "Oh, hey." 

  "We heard from Headmaster Sol that there's a conspiracy to assassinate Harold," Peter said to them. "Did you know about this?" 

  "Yes, Robert-kun got the message via telepathy," Blaise replied back. 

  "I'm scared," Harold added while being terrified of that conspiracy. 

Blaise then comforted him saying, "It's okay, we're here for you. Calm down, calm down." 

Eventually, Harold calms down thanks to her. 

After that, Sol said to them, "We'll petition to the shogun for protection of Harold."

The rest then looked at him in response.

  "Protection?" William asked. 

  "Yes, we'll make a plan for it," Sol responded. 

Because of this tight, threatening situation, Robert and the others nodded in agreement.

  Later, at 7:14 p.m., Tanaka and his family came home from the tournament, only to be confronted by a request of an audience from a spy. Although tired, Takashi decided to grant it, telling that subordinate to inform the spy about it. The subordinate did so, and went to do that. 

  Not long after, in that audience, the spy, with Sol in his side, admitted spying on Harold among other things. The shogun and Tanaka and Mirai, although shocked by it, are understanding, with Sol mediating and negotiating between sides. And then, Sol proposed a plan of protection for Harold to Takashi, which was meticulously planned by him and his students. It was a plan on a piece of paper. 

Reading the paper plan, Takashi reclines back and gave out an opinion, "This can be done with my palace guards. I know you're the head of Saverfort's army, so, you're particularly smart. I liked it." 

  "Thank you," Sol responded with a quick bow. 

And so, Operation Bamboo Sticks was formed.

Then, Tanaka said to his father, "I'm going to the guesthouse, father." 

  "Sure," Takashi granted his permission. 

With that Tanaka stand up and left the main house and towards the guesthouse to meet up with Robert and his group.

  There he saw them chatting to one another. 

  "Isn't true that Harold-kun is going to be assassinated?" he asked them. 

Upon hearing that, Robert and his group looked at him, and one of them replied, "Uh, yes." 

  "This is bad," Tanaka responded back while freaking out a bit. 

  "Yeah, but don't worry," Robert assured. "We and Headmaster Sol had come up with a plan." 

  "I know, but this is so unacceptable," Tanaka responded. "Why the king of Vanworth would do that to his own son?" 

  "He's selfish," Blaise commented while crossing her arms. 

  "Yeah, he is, I can't believe it," William added. 

Then, Harold spoke up, "I thought he still loves me. I'm so devastated. Big sis will be devastated, too."

  At the same time, at the main house of his clan estate, Sora was angry that he lost against Robert, and he was basically stress-eating in the dinner table with his family. 

  "Woah, slow down, son," his father, Sota, said to him upon seeing that. "Why being angry just because you lost a round? You always participated every year." 

  "He had humiliated me!" Sora retorted back. "I'll beat him next time!" 

Sota then sighed in a bit of disappointment because of his son's antics.

  Meanwhile, at a road across Saheda, a bunch of men on horseback speed through towards Kita. It was under Arnold and Sevan. Sevan had no choice but to do what Arnold told him to do. But, he'll help Robert and the others to dodge this assassination attempt. But, how?