Chapter 166 – Marionette’s Worry and Anger

Robert's POV

  "Is it true Harold-kun is being targeted by big brother?" Marionette asked them. 

We then looked at her, and Harold ran to her and hugged her saying, "Big sis, thank goodness you're here. Elder brother. He's threatening me." 

He then burst into tears because of fear. 

Marionette then calms his fear down and asked him, "Is that true? Is he in this city or something?" 

Then, Takashi said to her, "Greetings, you must be his older sister, right?" 

Upon hearing that, Marionette looked at the shogun. "Yes, I am. Is this all true?" 

  "Unfortunately, yes," Masanori responded. "It seems that Arnold and his assassins are here, working alongside with the Akuma clan." 

This surprises the princess from Vanworth, and she asked, "The Akuma clan?" 

I then responded, "It's a clan of ninja assassins, Marionette-san." 

Marionette looked at me. "Really?" 

  "Yes, and the date of the assassination will be tomorrow at 11 in the morning," Sol replied back.

  At this point, Marionette became worried about Harold's life. But, Sol reads her mind and discovered something negative, almost like holding a grudge against someone. He then passed it to me via telepathy. "He's angry at her older brother." 

I was not surprised at all, but I soon believed that Arnold only did this because he was told to do so. 

  Later, at 8:23 p.m., the meeting was dismissed, and we went back to our respective homes.