Chapter 173 – A Restored Reputation and a Failed Mission

Third person POV

  Eventually, since he can't outsmart his younger brother now, Arnold gave up, ending the fight and attempted assassination. But, he vowed vengeance and retribution against Harold for humiliating and defeating him. 

  "Sure, why not." Harold agreed with him, "any time." 

With that, Arnold stands up and when he is about to leave the arena grounds, Zaiaku came to him, only to pull out the small sack of money and throw it behind him. 

Upon hearing that, Arnold turned around and saw that small sack of money, before glancing at Zaiaku. 

  "I will not work with you," Zaiaku said to him.

  Arnold was upset, but he couldn't do anything now, so he just picked the sack up and turned back, before continuing walking away. 

Then, Sevan came and apologized to Robert and the others for his master's actions, before catching up with Arnold. 

The city guards are upset that Arnold got away with it, but Sol and Takashi said to them, "Don't worry, he didn't kill Harold either nor anyone else."

  After that, Zaiaku came to Robert and the others and apologized to them for getting involved in this assassination attempt, adding that he was intrigued by Arnold's offer. He apologized to Harold the most. 

  "Um, it's okay, Zaiaku-san," Harold accepted his apology, "I'm not hurt at all." 

  "Yeah, that's okay," Tanaka added. 

  "Your ninjas only got hurt," William reminded, too. 

To those Zaiaku felt that his reputation was restored thanks to his reversal of the deal with Arnold. 

He then promised not to get involved in any more bad conspiracies. 

  Meanwhile, Blaise was pouring healing potions on the injured Akuma ninjas and city guards with some of the healers and nurses. By noon, Arnold and Sevan left the city and went back to Vanworth with a failed mission. But Sevan kept his betrayal and treason a secret from Arnold and Tertullian.

  Later after, at the palace estate, Robert and his group had a feast-like lunch with the shogunate and his family as a celebration of a successful operation. Masanori, Emi, Lain, and Sora are also there because they contributed to the battle at the arena. There are eating, drinking, and chatting. At the same time, the tournament day was postponed until tomorrow morning to do some clean up and fixing of the plaza arena building. 

  Simultaneously, at the Akuma clan estate, Zaiaku, who didn't come to the celebration, apologized to his ninjas and representative to the General Council, saying, "It's my fault that our reputation is almost in jeopardy." 

But his clan said that it's okay, emphasizing that he didn't do it completely and instead liked his decision to reverse the deal. 

For Robert and his party, the rest of the afternoon was spent on training and having fun at various places in the capital so they would do something else.

  Later, at night, in the palace courtyard, Robert and Mirai are looking at the partially cloudy sky. But they can still see the half-moon clearly. 

  "That was a crazy battle out there," Mirai commented. 

  "Yeah, it was," Robert replied back. "Harold-kun really learned a high-tier ability at such a young age." 

  "He's smart." 

  "Yes, he is." 

But, at one corner, Marionette, Zarah, and Emma are looking at Mirai with contempt because she gets to spend some time with Robert. 

Now Robert had a harem of girls.

  But meanwhile, at her palace in the kingdom in the mountains, Nyx received a notification from one of her dozens of spies who had been spying on Sol. She was pretty upset, but decided to let it slide, showing her hidden care for Sol, her adoptive father whom she hated so much.

  Meanwhile, at the castle in Challies, Tertullian was furious at Arnold and Sevan for failing the mission to assassinate Harold. He was about to send Arnold to prison when Sevan intervened and persuaded the king to just let it slide, adding, "Harold became stronger than before. He just learned Rift." 

This shocks Tertullian a lot, who long considered Harold a useless and weak person. 

Eventually, that act of persuasion worked, and the king let it slide, much to Arnold's relief. 

  After that, the crowned prince and his subordinate left the royal court, but Sevan kept what he did back at Taka a secret, with his life and dignity.