Four Beauties

The Vientiane Shopping Mall outside the east gate of the electronics industrial park of Da Lan Group was magnificent and cool in the middle of summer. Throngs of people came and went at noon.

Cao Su went to the Finance Department and the Security Department to complete the resignation procedures after he stamped his name in the CEO's office in the morning. He had worked at Da Lan Corporation for five years and received stock options since the third year. After leaving the company, the option company would take it back.

He was given a total of 15,000 yuan, plus termination compensation N+1, and half a month's salary in August. A total of 73,500 yuan was given to him. Judging from the amount of compensation, he had a good impression of the company that he had worked for five years.

This amount was enough for him to buy two more items in the system store. However, he hadn't been in a good mood recently, so he hadn't received any random missions.

Now, he had a worry: the longer he became a godly tycoon, the more difficult it would be to immerse himself in emotions and joy. That was because the threshold would become higher and higher.


After all the procedures were completed, it was exactly 11:30 in the morning. Cao Su sent a message to invite his friend Jiang Wenxuan, Shen Mingze, and Tang Run to have a meal at the Vientiane Center.

Yu Ping's public apology to him, as well as his red Ferrari to work, had caused a lot of repercussions.

The beautiful intern, Su Qing, came over to chat with him out of curiosity. His classmate, Zheng Shaoning, who hadn't contacted him for a long time, called him warmly. Jiang Ran, the beautiful junior at the University of Jianghai, was willing to acknowledge him as her senior. Even Old Jiang called him again to ask about the situation.

Therefore, before he left, he invited Old Jiang to have a meal and get together.

Since he had to attend the dinner that the art design team had arranged for him, he had to postpone the matter of admiring the courtesan. Therefore, he invited Shen Mingze and Tang Run over for dinner as an apology. It was also to end Yu Ping's matter.

The dining location was the Cantonese restaurant on the fourth floor, Fu Man Lou. Cantonese cuisine was rare but exquisite. Usually, many Chinese restaurants in five-star hotels served Cantonese cuisine.

The dishes included Salted Chicken, Honey Barbecued Pork, Garlic Pork Ribs, Braised Pigeon, Oysters, Four Brocade Lobsters, Steamed Eastern Star Spots, Two Seasonal Vegetables, and Four Bowls of Abalone, Ginseng, and Wing Tripe.

He ordered two bottles of dry white wine.

Jiang Wenxuan looked honest and amiable, still looking as fat as ever. He raised his glass and smiled. "Old Cao, I haven't seen you for a week. You seem to have lost some weight."

Cao Su liked hearing this and put down his phone. He was chatting with someone on WeChat. He clinked his glass with Old Jiang and smiled.

Shen Mingze was tall, well-proportioned, and even taller than Cao Su. He said jokingly, "Brother Cao, what kind of exercise?"

Everyone laughed when they heard this. They all understood. Most people knew that Cao Su had taken two top-notch beauties to the hotel from Shen Mingze.

Shen Mingze's original intention was not to spread gossip about Cao Su. But you spent a million dollars in the bar and went back to the hotel alone? This logic didn't make sense!

Cao Su laughed. "No matter what kind of exercise it is, it consumes energy. Come, let's have a drink! Old Jiang, I'll be developing Shencheng in the future. Let's keep in touch when we have time."

"Ming Ze, Tang Run, I stood you up this time. I'll invite you guys to the clubhouse next Saturday night. We'll sign up more courtesans!"

Jiang Wenxuan swallowed the white wine and said concisely, "Alright." Last week, he really thought that Old Cao was trying to save face. He didn't expect Old Cao to have the ability to force Yu Ping to apologize in public. How awesome!

In fact, he knew that the words "keep in touch" were false. It wasn't that he and Old Cao were hypocritical. But with Old Cao's current level, the gap between them would only get bigger and bigger. How many common topics could they have?

Let me give you the simplest example. He was still worried about getting married and ending his single life. Was Old Cao still worried about these things? Who knew how many black fungi he had harvested?

This was not a matter of personal will. It could only be said that this was life. This friendship should be cherished.

After the toast, the handsome Tang Run quickly smiled and said, "Brother Cao, you're too polite. We are at your beck and call!"

Some things were really difficult to explain in a few words! This week, Yu Ping had asked him privately. He said that he didn't reveal the details of their meeting to Brother Cao, but Yu Ping didn't believe him.

Today, Yu Ping lowered herself and apologized to Brother Cao. This matter was finally resolved, and he was relieved.

She was very humble in front of Brother Cao. If Brother Cao needed a little brother to play with, he would be happy to follow Brother Cao.

Shen Mingze was obviously better at interpersonal relationships than Old Jiang and Tang Run. He put down his glass and smiled. "Brother Cao, speaking of courtesans, I think of the four beauties in our company. You should have seen them before."

Cao Su could not help but laugh. He drank a mouthful of soup and said in surprise, "Ming Ze, I've been in the Da Lan Corporation for almost five years, but I've never heard of such a thing. At most, it was a joke about the golden flowers of a certain department."

Shen Mingze smiled. "The courtesans are judged by the customers." The four beauties were naturally rated by our company's old geezer. In fact, they were just the few beauties that we had chatted about in private and were publicly recognized as the most beautiful.

For example, Brother Cao, Lu Zi from your art design team is a little exquisite! Her figure was extremely good, and her skin was fair and smooth. However, his looks were a few notches lower than the four."

There were some things that he couldn't say in front of Brother Cao. Who knew what relationship Brother Cao had with Lu Zi, right? Based on his experience, Lu Zi, who had a hot body and smooth skin, would definitely have a first-class riding experience.

Shen Mingze took a sip of wine and continued to smile. "The rankings don't matter."

Of the more than a hundred intern students in our company, Su Qing, the beauty of the product experience department, is the most beautiful. With her looks, she became famous in the entire department in less than half a month! The disadvantage was that she was tall and slightly skinny.

Li Ruoyu, the beauty of the patent department, was a charming young woman. Many people in the company had a crush on her. She heard that Vice President Qi was pursuing her. The disadvantage was that she was married."

As he spoke, he stood up and poured wine for everyone.

"Ren Jiayu, the librarian of the library in the park, is considered a factory flower. She is tall and demure and has a pair of sexy long legs that men would never forget. She was neither thin nor fat, and she was both fleshy and bony. The disadvantage is that she is 17 years old this year and is not highly educated."

Jiang Ran, the beauty of the President's office, was a Sichuan girl. She was bright and beautiful. She had a lot of contacts in her position and was very well-known in the company. The disadvantage was that she was too difficult to woo. So far, no one had been able to ask her out for a meal alone.

It had to be said that Shen Mingze and Tang Run were frequent socialites. He was quite familiar with the situation of the beauties in the company. Cao Su took out his phone and replied with a smile, "Really?"

Tang Run revealed his past and smiled bitterly. "Brother Cao, I don't look cold." He had some money at home. "I chased after Jiang Ran for two months last year, but I didn't even manage to touch her little hand. Sigh!"

His expression was melancholic.

Although he had asked her out, he knew very well that those girls were suitable to be his girlfriends. Goddess Jiang's attitude towards him made him very sad.

Cao Su smiled, put down his phone, and sipped white wine. The fragrance of the wine was rich, and the aftertaste was long. At this moment, he was chatting with Jiang Ran on WeChat.

They chatted for almost an hour, getting along well. She didn't reject people like Tang Run had described.

"Junior Sister Jiang, did you join the CEO's office of the Da Lan Corporation after graduation?" Cao Su asked at first."

"That's right. At that time, it was Sister Zhang who personally went to the University of Jianghai to recruit. Brother Cao, what about you? You've been working in the Da Lan Corporation for eight years?"

"How can there be eight years?" My first job was as a programmer. Later, I switched to mobile OS and specialized in drawing."

"Then you must be damn skillful!"

At the end of the conversation, Cao Su invited, "Little Ran, do you have time to go hiking by the beach the day after tomorrow?" He could also complete the system's main mission: 10 kilometers on foot.

"Brother Cao, let me see my schedule."

Twenty minutes later, she replied, "Brother Cao, is it tiring to go up? When it's time, you should help me."

When Shen Mingze saw Cao Su smile slightly and not reply, he knew that there was a story behind this smile. He more or less understood.

Brother Cao went to resign today, so he must have met Beauty Jiang. They might even add each other on WeChat. Men were defined by wealth and women by their beauty.

Put yourself in her shoes. If you were handsome and had a pretty and rich senior, would you consider adding her on WeChat?

Four beauties, do you know why he didn't mention Ren Jiayu and Jiang Ran? Because he knew that Jiang Ran was Brother Cao's schoolmate and junior sister. Ren Jiayu was a beauty from Qianzhou, Gan Province, and was Brother Cao's hometown.

When the group of geezers commented on the beauty together, they might not use civilized words, but they would say whatever was exciting. Brother Cao might not like to hear others comment on them. So he kept quiet.

Shen Mingze smiled and raised his glass to Cao Su. He then changed the topic. "Brother Cao, what do you think of the Pearl River Delta's property market?"

Cao Su, Jiang Yingying, and Chen Fu had been looking at houses, buying houses, and communicating with real estate agents this week. He had made a field trip and smiled. "Although there are control measures, the industry is booming and is optimistic in the long run."

"Brother Cao, a childhood friend of mine, invited me to resign and start a business. He's planning to become a real estate agent to help real estate developers sell their properties," Shen Mingze said. He had some connections in Guangdong Province, so he could be in charge of mediating. "I'm responsible for managing all aspects of relationships."

At the moment, our funds are still a little low. Are you interested in this project?"

Cao Su was a little surprised. Shen Mingze was very good at seizing opportunities. He pondered briefly and said, "The three of us will meet for morning tea next week."

The direction of his company was live broadcasting. He was familiar with this area. However, at present, the real estate industry was hot. He didn't mind taking the next step and investing some money.