Beautiful Scenery, Delicious Food

In the morning, the district property rights registration center was crowded with visitors who came to handle various matters.

Accompanied by Jiang Yingying and Chen Fu, Cao Su sat in the hall on the second floor and waited. A few interested real estate agents were busy. 2% of the price of the house would be taken as the intermediary fee, so they naturally worked hard.

This cost was usually borne by the buyer rather than by both parties in the legal sense.

Cao Su had to pay nearly 1.2 million yuan just for the agency fees. He also had to bear the taxes and fees for the transfer of ownership.


The real estate industry was really booming! Those who were exploited were the buyers who were willing to empty their wallets. Ten days ago, he was just another cog in the rat race. Of course, he was also at a disadvantage, but he had more than enough funds, so he felt different.

At around 11:30 in the morning, Cao Su finished the procedures for the third house that needed to be transferred today and drove Jiang Yingying and Chen Wu to find a place to eat.

Jiang Yingying was 1.66 meters tall. She had a delicate face and fair skin. She wore a black dress that accentuated her exquisite figure, making her look sexy and charming. She and Chen Wu sat in the back of the car and smiled. "Congratulations, President Cao. Tomorrow, the ownership of the 12 houses would be completed, and all they need is to wait for the certificate to be issued."

Cao Su drove skillfully. No matter what car it was, one would naturally be familiar with it after driving for a long time. When the engine was given a little gas, it would roar. "Yingying, you flatter me! I've been sick of doing the transfer of ownership for the past two days."

"President Cao, you can punish me later!" Jiang Yingying smiled.

She had been in sales for nearly three years and was still very lively. Moreover, President Cao was holding a big order with a commission of one million yuan. She had gotten along very well with him these days. He was a very nice person. She did not mind joking with him.

In fact, she did not mind undressing President Cao to accommodate his shock. It wasn't just a hint. She had hinted at him several times these past few days, but President Cao wasn't willing to eat her.

However, Cao Su's attitude was completely different from before. He smiled and said, "Alright! We'll sign the contract during dinner later. I'll take you to a hotel in the afternoon to enforce the family law. Xiao Wu, did you bring the contract?"

The week before, he had told them to help him for a few days. Today, the villa at Shengshi Residences had to be settled.

Jiang Yingying covered her mouth and giggled, her eyes rippling.

Chen Wu wore a white shirt and a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans, revealing her 1.7-meter-tall slender figure. Her pair of beautiful legs were very eye-catching with the jeans. She was wearing no makeup, giving off a very original feeling.

The two of them were employees of the developer's sales department, not the intermediary company. Therefore, they hadn't worn the professional attire that they had been selling for the past few days. Of course, the 2% sales commission had nothing to do with them.

Otherwise, as the salesperson who brought the customers here, she would also get a share.

Chen Wu sat quietly in the back seat and smiled, "Take the valet. President Cao, you are the legal representative of your company. You must sign the transfer procedures."

Cao Su turned the steering wheel and pressed the horn, sighing, "That's why we have to give out the legal representative."

The 66th floor of the Chunsun Building was more than 300 meters tall. The 50th floor and above are not open to the public. Cao Su brought Jiang Yingying and Chen Fu to the Chinese restaurant on the 56th floor.

This was a luxurious and high-end private club that mainly served the bosses and executives of the building. Sometimes, a suitable place was needed to discuss business. Of course, the property owner would provide services.

This was a business opportunity.

Cao Su had rented two floors of office in the Chunsun Building, so he had naturally obtained the qualification to enter this club. He had brought Song Jingying here to eat yesterday as a reward, and the Cantonese food was really good!

Song Jingying's recruitment efforts were very effective, to say the least. She first hired a few HR managers, who went on to recruit employees from other departments. The structure and framework of the company were quickly built.

She went to work at the company yesterday. The front desk and administrative department of the company were almost fully equipped. The printer, pantry, and refrigerator were all set up. At the very least, the office area was running smoothly.

As for the hasty and large-scale recruitment, were the employees suitable? Wasn't there a three-month probation period? At that time, a batch would definitely be cut.

"Ah... President Cao, the scenery here is really good!" Jiang Yingying exclaimed with her exquisite figure, standing in front of the French window. She bent over to take a photo with her phone. She was wearing an exquisite black dress that wrapped around her hips.

Seaview, high-rise buildings, and luxurious private rooms: This dining environment was indeed very nice and beautiful.

Chen Wu, who had always been demure and dignified, couldn't help but take photos by the window like Jiang Yingying.

Cao Su ordered the dishes and handed the iPad to the waiter. He smiled and drank Pu'er tea, admiring the beauty of the two girls. One was delicate and pretty, while the other was pure and gorgeous. One wore a black dress, while the other wore a white shirt and jeans.

He hadn't played shooting games for a few days and wanted to play a few rounds.

The dishes were served very quickly in the restaurant. First, two sets of peanut bean chicken feet soup for women's beauty were served. Cao Su's dish was naturally the nourishing ginseng pigeon soup. They chatted while enjoying the meal.

Next, three large lobsters were served. They were steamed lobsters with garlic vermicelli. He chose the Australian dragon, which tasted very good.

Then, there was the famous Cantonese dish, Braised Sea Ginseng, in Abalone Sauce.

He continued to serve steamed Eastern Star Spots, bamboo lamb brisket in casserole, shredded chicken, roasted goose platter, and grilled oyster.

"President Cao, you ordered too much," Chen Wu couldn't help but say. Delicious food was indeed tempting, and she ate heartily.

Cao Su smiled and poured tea for her, "Little Wu, it's fine to eat more seafood. You won't put on weight."


The meal was very harmonious and enjoyable. It had to be said that the beautiful scenery, delicious food, and beautiful women were indeed refreshing and in a good mood!

[Host is in a good mood. Random mission triggered: Gym.]

After the meal, Cao Su took the contract for the Shengshi Residence and signed it with the two beauties beside him. Jiang Yingying, who was on his right, touched him softly. The commission of nearly a million yuan would be split equally between the two of them in the end.

After signing the papers, Cao Su asked the question that he had always been curious about, "Xiao Wu, you're a graduate of Sun Yat-sen University with an accounting major, so you shouldn't have to worry about not being able to find a job?"

Of course, I didn't mean to say that her current job wasn't good.

Of course, adults had to be more mellow when they spoke.

After eating the delicious food, Chen Fu was a little relaxed and said, "President Cao, after I graduated, I was recruited by the university to work for a big company in Shencheng. After working for less than half a month, the head of the department threatened me, asking me to be his lover on the grounds that I was on probation. I left."

Cao Su was a little surprised, but he also felt that it was not strange for such a thing to happen to her. Her looks and figure were too good. "I'll let you vent your anger another day!"

Chen Wu's heart jumped. She came from an ordinary family, so she was lucky that she didn't suffer any losses. She didn't even dare to think about revenge. However, it would be a lie to say that she was not angry at the old man who ruined her career.

"President Cao, thank you!"

After the contract was signed, Cao Su called his personal secretary assigned to him by the Shen City Commercial Bank and arranged for the down payment to be transferred over. He would go through the loan process to buy this villa. Jiang Yingying assured him that there would be no problem.

Looking at Jiang Yingying's smiling face as she put the documents into the document bag, Cao Su took a sip of tea and said, "Yingying, I want to talk to Xiao Wu alone."