The Era Calls

It was past six in the evening in Shencheng, and some of the main roads began to get congested. Although Cao Su drove out before he got off work, he was still stuck halfway.

He called Bian Lan from his hometown in Qianzhou and asked them to eat first. He was still stuck in traffic. As he sat in the black BMW BMW, Cao Su hung up the phone and was not in a hurry.

In the afternoon, he played an online game with Jiang Yingying for two hours. It was a mobile game based on the Three Kingdoms. Imitating the most classic LOL gameplay. The Silver Spear he chose, Zhao Zilong, had a lot of health and mana, and he was able to defeat the enemy.

The emotions that had been accumulated for the past few days were released, and his heart was relaxed and comfortable.

The high-rise buildings on both sides of the main road were brightly lit, bringing with them a prosperous image. The evening breeze blew through the green trees, and the crowd at the subway entrance was like a massive tide.

His life this week was simple and regular. Every day, he would go to the real estate center to transfer ownership. In his free time, he would exercise and watch live broadcasts on his phone. After a few days of relaxing 'work,' he would interact with beautiful women after resting.

Conquering a beauty was very satisfying. He had Lu Zi, a colleague from the previous team, Su Shijia, the prettiest girl in the university, and Jiang Yingying, the villa salesperson. In times of peace, a man's sense of conquest was in his career and beauty.

There were also fish in his pond: His beautiful young assistant Song Jingying; Chen Wu, a freshman from a famous university; Xia Ya, a suite butler from a five-star hotel; He Xueqian, a long-legged car model from Shencheng University, and Jiang Ran, a beautiful former colleague from Sichuan who was a junior in Jiangnan University.

These beautiful flowers were all waiting for him to pick them. It was cutting the queue. After doing this for too long, the player would naturally reach his peak.

The life of a tycoon was so monotonous and boring!

However, the old veterans were shaking their heads at this cycle! Overdoing it would always make the threshold higher. He shuddered a few times and felt sick of things.

He still had to add some condiments to his life.

How could he describe his current situation? His career was about to be developed but not quite, and his reputation was about to rise, but he wasn't nearly there. There was no media to disturb him, and no relatives or friends came to ask him for help in his daily life. It was a little like "building high walls, accumulating food, and slowly becoming kings."

Therefore, he had to make use of his free time to upgrade his system as soon as possible! There would be a time when the one billion yuan from the beginning would be spent, right?

He had to get more money from the system!

It was unrealistic to rely on the business to earn money for the time being! It was the era of the mobile internet and it was getting harder and harder to make money in the early stages. It was unlike in the past, when he could make ringtones, bidding rankings, Taobao, and Alipay.


Cao Su called out the system in his mind.

[System's current level: Level 2.]

[Main Mission 2: Accumulate 2000 kilometers.]

[Note 1: You have the "Heartbeat Generates Power" buff. Each heartbeat gives 0.1 yuan. Note: This buff can be increased as the system level increases.]

[Random Mission: Gym]

[Do the second set of National Broadcast Gymnastics for Middle School Students, "The Era Calls." You will receive the system reward: Moulding.]

[Random Mission: Taichi.]

[If you skillfully perform a set of standard Taichi movements, you will receive the system reward: Taichi (Master).]

[System store.]

[Items available for purchase: Cashew nuts.]

[Price: 300,000. It can enhance the waist and kidney function of the user by 200%.]

The first Random Quest [Gym] was triggered when he had lunch with Chen Wu and Jiang Yingying at the Chusun Club. Beautiful women, beautiful scenery, and delicious food made one happy!

The second Random Mission,[Taiji Fist], was triggered when he talked to Jiang Yingying in the office in the afternoon.

Outside his office was Song Jingying's office, and she could come in at any time. If she came in and saw him…*Cough cough* Everyone knew why the random mission was triggered.

He had to do these two Random Missions well. Normally, the Random Missions given to him by the system were not difficult to complete.

However, it could be predicted that the random missions of the Level 2 system would still be slightly more difficult than those of the Level 1 system. Shouldn't the estimated movements be standard?

He really had to find the video of 'The Times are Calling' and take a good look at it.

Unlike Level 1, where he could do 20 push-ups after a nap, the new item in the system store was a reward for leveling up. The effect was indeed potent. What was the slogan for Huiren Kidney Treasure again?

Looking at [Main Mission 2], he had now "repaired" the system, and his physique had improved. It was not a problem for him to ride a bicycle. He realized that the rewards the system gave were aimed at repairing his bodily functions.

This was good!

The body was the capital of the revolution. He just didn't know when the System was going to enchant his "weapon." *Cough cough*

[Main Mission 2] The distance required was really great! Fortunately, it was to be completed by "accumulation."

He had a vague impression that the better the bicycle, the more kilometers it could cover per hour.

Just as Cao Su was about to take out his phone to check the Internet, he finally passed through the most congested area after nearly an hour of traffic jam. The road to the industrial park of Da Lan Corporation was smooth.

Outside the east gate of Da Lan's industrial park was a seven-story central business district. Of course, other commercial apartments, hotels, and office buildings were also around. The branches of all the main banks were basically located in this area.

Bian Lan and her friends were having dinner at the seafood buffet restaurant Le Chef on the fourth floor. She invited all her good friends from the company and a few family members brought by her friends on the pretext that it was her birthday.

There were a total of twelve people.

It was evident that Bian Lan had dressed up meticulously. She was wearing a light pink short-sleeved shirt, and the skin on her arms was as fair as snow. She was slender and wore a high-waisted dress. Even though she was only a little over 1.6 meters tall, she still looked slim and elegant.

The seventeen-year-old girl still had some baby fat on her face, filled with the feeling of colloid. However, she had already opened her mouth. Even though she was not as beautiful as Ren Jiayu, she was still a pretty little beauty.


At this moment, the little beauty's pure and fair face was filled with worry as she looked at her phone from time to time. It made the little boys with family members itch and want to comfort her. Among the group of girls, she was the most beautiful.

Her good friend whispered in her ear, "Xiaolan, did Brother Cao stand you up? Actually, he doesn't treat you as a fellow countryman. If you ask me, this is all fake. He lied to his fellow countryman, and his eyes were filled with deceit."

"We should eat and sing later. Don't worry about him."

"Tong Tong, he transferred 10,000 yuan to me." Bian Lan widened her eyes. He was the one who treated us to the buffet. Otherwise, how could I have the money to invite you to eat here? It costs 500 yuan per person!"

Tong Tong and Bian Lan were about the same age. Both of them were employees of Da Lan's production line Corporation, but because of their stunningly good looks, their work was easier. She opened her mouth in surprise. How much did he earn in a month?

"Then he's really stuck in traffic!"

This time, it was Bian Lan who shook her head gently and said in a low mood, "He should treat me as a fellow villager. However, I'm afraid that my fellow countryman doesn't have much sincerity in his eyes! He might be coming over from another dinner."

She didn't invite Ren Jiayu, whom Brother Cao wanted to see, so it was normal that he didn't plan to come over to have dinner with these little girls. Brother Cao already had a good character, considering he bought them the meal.

Tong Tong also sighed along with her friend. She hugged her friend's shoulder and comforted her silently. This was the most reasonable speculation.

Therefore, why should they want to make friends with the rich?

It was better to earn an honest wage. It wasn't easy to change fate!