I tried to go back to the city. I wanted to understand the force that was blocking my re-entry. The moment I try to go back inside the city my body stops by itself. I turn around and walk right back out of town. I don't control my body at all when that does happen. It's definitely freaky when it happens. No control over my body at all. It's the system itself that controls my body.

At least, that's the best answer. Or maybe, it's the person that gave me this hidden quest.

But what if it's the system that gave me the quest? But why would it want me to kill it?

I cannot know for now. It's a mystery I'll try to solve on another date.

If there are no options to go back inside the city until level 10, I guess I'll have to survive in the wilderness. I remember going camping when I was a kid, like 5 to 6 years old. It was fun. I haven't since the nexus genesis but I still remember those moments fondly.

In a way, I was happy that I had to go camping. It felt normal. It felt like before the apparitions of the system.

After a couple of hours in the wild, I understood something really important. My father did most of the work when we went camping. I have no idea how to do a fire or anything else. I have a vague idea of how my father did it. I think he used a lighter. Yeah, he definitely used a lighter. But I don't have a lighter.

I didn't prepare adequately for the trip. That much is clear by now. I only prepared myself for the fighting aspect of my expedition. I should have gone into the wilderness with more than just a T-shirt and jeans. I don't even have a sword.

The excitement of adventure made me forget the basis of every good adventure: equipment.

The good news is, I still haven't made contact with any monsters. I've looked at them from afar, hidden. I want to understand them better before I jump in to fight. I only have one life. I'm ready to die for my rebellion but I'm not ready to die stupidity.

Books can only teach you so much. I needed to see them by myself. By my own eyes.

After a day of looking around and trying to make a fire, I did resolve at sleeping in the woods without a fire. I lay down on the ground. I know that I won't be able to have fire and protect myself if something goes bad so I had an emergency plan.

I dig a little to make myself even with the ground while sleeping and I put leaves all over myself. I was one with my surroundings. It would be impossible to see. At least I hoped. Monsters in the starting area relied a lot on their vision and not on smell so I should be fine.

I hope that I should be fine.

I felt safe. I felt safe until I didn't.

Close to midnight, I heard some branches close to me crack. It woke me up fast. I knew at that moment that I wasn't the only one in the forest. I stopped breathing to try to not be seen. Who was it goblins? Bears? Any other monster?

Branches continued to crack. I knew it. I would have to fight but I didn't want to engage in a fight if I could escape it. There was still a possibility that the monster near me didn't know I was there. That was the option I decided to believe. I needed to not react. Maybe I hadn't been noticed.

It started to be more and more difficult to believe it as the cracking began to be much closer to where I was sleeping. A lot closer. Until I heard the branch right next to my head being stepped on. I closed my hand, ready to punch the monster.

I decided to finally engage but right at the moment I wanted to jump out to fight I felt it on my chest. A boot. A normal boot crushing my chest. I screamed a little. The moment my scream came out of my mouth the foot left my chest.

- I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there.

Those words were said not by a monster but by a human girl. A real human girl. I was relieved. Another human and not a monster. That was the best possibility. Or it could be the worst.

- I hope I didn't hurt you too much.

- It's fine. Don't worry about it.

I got up. I looked at her and maybe it was because of the stressful situation we were in but I felt like she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. It felt like an angel found me in the middle of hell.

After a couple of minutes of talking and making sure we weren't enemies, she started a fire.

I finally felt warm. No more being cold. I could not believe how much luck I had. We were there in the middle of the forest looking at a fire.

- What level are you? I hope it's not too much to ask. She asked.

- Level 1, you?

- Level 1, also

- Good, maybe we will get level 2 together.

She smiled a little looking at me. At that moment, I felt like the king of the world. I knew in the deepest way that I would accomplish what I wanted to do.

- I'm Leon, by the way.

- Leon that's a nice name. I'm Leana.

- Your name is beautiful also.

- I don't know. I'm not sure I like it.

- Well, I do like it.

We continued the night talking together. I didn't sleep an ounce. I was captivated by everything she told me about her life. It was a tragic one. Everybody in her family was dead. Killed by the Holy Dignity because they didn't want to give their daughter (Leana) to those freaks. She had to get out of town at that moment. She has been living in the forest since then.

I feel stupid to have run away from a family when people like her exist but I reminded myself why I had to run away. I wanted to destroy the system. Starting with the Holy Dignity. I really want to destroy the Holy Dignity. They can't destroy the life of Leana and not get consequences out of it.

Leana had never thought about gaining a level and my idea seemed to be something she really wanted to do.

The next day, we looked at a group of goblin. We looked at them from afar. Trying to see if one of them would be weaker.

We observed that one of the goblins was much smaller than the others. He also looked to be going to pee by himself. The other Goblins would go together but he wouldn't. Maybe he was ashamed of his size. It didn't matter to us. It was an opportunity.

There was our chance. A small goblin by itself. It was decided the next day we would be attacking it. We slept. I slept well. I felt confident.

When I woke up, I knew things were going to be good. I was the first one to wake up so I prepared a little breakfast. Leana was really impressed with my cooking. It felt nice to be complimented so I got closer to her. I don't know what got into me but I kissed her. She reciprocated.

I was the king of the world.

I am the king of the world.

We started our plan to kill the goblin. We hid in the bushes. We followed the goblin herd until the small goblin was by itself. We started to approach the goblin but then another bigger goblin approached.

They were now 2 goblins. That was too much for us so we aborted the mission.


It was too late. We had to fight.