There they were, 2 goblins looking at us. They were ready to kill us. That was easy to see on their face. The hatred of humans.

- Leon, it's 2 versus 2. We still will win.

Those words comforted me. I knew we would be victorious, we would only get more XP by killing 2 instead of 1. We might even be able to level up only with the experience of this combat.

I put my fist in front of my face and was ready to fight. To answer to my fighting position the goblins materialized some clubs. They probably took them out of their inventory.

Surprisingly, Leana took a sword out of her inventory. The sword had an aura about it. It looked really strong.

I'm confused as to how she got such a powerful sword at level 1. Maybe she lied to me and wasn't level 1.

I remembered the stories about some players called player killers. Those people hunted lower levels. Maybe I was in one of those situations. She wanted to get me in a fight to justify my death to the authorities. I was fooled?

I still couldn't believe that. I trusted her and she didn't look like she had a blood lust for me. Also, to be frank, her position with the sword looked like someone who has never fought.

- Pretty sword you got there young lady. I would love to add it to my collections of swords I got from humans.

The sound of the voice from the bigger goblin made my skin crawl. I felt like he was licking us with his words. I couldn't take it anymore so I rushed towards him.

Without taking more than a second he crushed me with his club. The smaller one laughed at me so much. I couldn't hear well because of all the pain I was feeling. My health was already half empty.

That was why people stayed in the starting city. The forest is way too dangerous. Even the goblin that looked so weak was level 2. We maybe could have defeated them if they were by themselves but together it was too much.

There it was. Today wasn't a good day. My parents were right. The principal was right. I was only good to be a level less. Only good to be food for the goblins. I wish I was stronger but as I am right now, I'm useless. I'm the worst. I lead Leana, telling her we could do it. I am the player killer. Without knowing it but still, the result is the same. We are going to die from my naivety.

But. If I'm going to die today, I'll die on my feet. Especially in front of such a beautiful girl. I got up even if my vision was blurry. Even if I felt terrible By the time I had gotten up I realized something.

The small goblin was already dead. Leana had blood all over her sword. We could do it. We could win.


LEVEL 1: 10/30 Experience

- Thank you, Collosus. She yelled while looking at the corps of the goblin.

I finally understood why she had such a strong sword. Collossus killed the NPCs but he probably didn't take the time to loot their corpses. This sword was probably held by a strong NPCs. I can't believe I doubted Leana even if it was for one second. It was one second too much.

I went and grabbed the club off the small goblin's body. I finally had a weapon. We could do it. We could win.

- You really think you can win? You, small humans, cannot be real. Small Louie was the worst goblin of all time. Little babies could have killed him. You won't do a scratch on me.

I thought that maybe because I had a weapon the words he uttered would not make my skin scrawl but it didn't change a thing. He still was the creepiest thing I have ever conversated with.

- You don't scare me you big green ball of dumpling!

I don't know why that came out of my mouth. It wasn't funny or anything. It wasn't even true. But I felt like I had to yell back at him.

I jumped towards him. Knowing fully well he would try to hit me the same way he did before. This time I had a weapon and I was able to block his attack.

- Blocking me won't be enough young human.

- Yes, but I am not alone.

I didn't intend to kill the goblin or even hurt him. I was only a diversion so that he would forget Leana.

It worked perfectly. She was able to stab him in the stomach. It wasn't enough to kill him but it was a beginning.

- This is but a scratch. He said probably to convince himself.

- It is the first one you will get but not the last one.

I'm not sure where that arrogance came from but it felt good to finally talk back to him while we were in control.

- Leon, get out of there!

The yell coming from Leana made me snap back to the reality in front of me.

Everything thing advanced at a slower pace. I saw the way I was still blocking the goblin club. but he only had one hand on the club. The other one was going straight for my chest. His hands were enormous and had some really pointy nails almost looking like claws.

I had heard that a goblin hand can cut wood like it's nothing. The fact that it came at me at that speed was not good news. I prepared myself to die. At least, I'll do it on my feet and not on my knees. I won't die a coward.

I was not fast enough to get out of the way. There it was my death. But then at that moment, I thought I would get hit by the claw, but it didn't. It only grazed my arm. Leana had jumped in the way and gotten me out of trouble.

She pushed me to the ground. We were there laying on the ground but the goblin wasn't dealt with yet. Without hesitation, I grabbed the sword next to us on the ground and I sliced the goblin in 2. I did it, he died.





I was finally level 2. I did it. We did it. Me and Leana.

I was there standing with joy with the sword in my right arm. I felt great. I tried to clap my hands in celebration but it didn't work.

Then I saw it. The goblin didn't graze my left arm he destroyed it. I had only one arm. The right arm.

But that wasn't the worse news.

I saw her on the ground. Her chest was obliterated. She was in pieces.

Leana was dead. She was dead because of my incompetence.