Business with pleasure

Isabella's point of view

IT'S BEEN NO DOUBT a very joyous day, one of the best I have had in a long time. I had breakfast with Gabe, Lance, Alexa, Dixie and Iris. I would have loved it if Dimitri was around to join us but he has been very busy these past few days attending to matters of Castellan Corp.

After breakfast, Gemini gave me and Iris a proper tour around the pack. She told me stories about the great Blood Moon pack and about the pack's ancestors, then she showed me places in the pack and we went downhill. She took me to a large area filled with numerous houses where the werewolves stay. It was behind a road that goes left, and I saw a clear view of a creek that has a bridge over it. There are so many houses, and some buildings look to be like dorms, all resident areas for werewolves. I don't even know how many acres of land this could be. Like two hundred?