No Good Guys

Isabella's Point Of View

"How long do you think the trip will be?" Iris asked as we strolled through the pack's garden. It was a really beautiful scenery, with countlessly of dazzling plants and flowers, most of them holding magical properties like the gardenia flower that possessed the power to heal.

"I don't know Iris. All Dimitri said was I should get ready that I am coming with him on his business trip to Miami..j. I wasn't even allowed to pack anything." I remarked.

"Well it makes sense, he would need his secretary for his business so have fun." She laughed. I really got myself into this one, now I had no other choice than to go on this trip. Well maybe the trip wasn't entirely going to be terrible, miami was going to be a new scenery, maybe that is what I desperately needed, a change of air and maybe going to the beach.