The Keepers realm

Diego's Point Of View 

"We are too late! They are all dead!" Allyssa choked. They were all dead and scattered all around.

This was all his doing. Prince of hell, Memphis. This had his name written all over it. It was only him that could cause this scale of chaos and carnage.

But what was he up to? What was his master plan in all of this, what was the devil planning?

This blood shed is too much, it looks like he was purposely killing to make a pool of blood. So much blood like he is preparing for a ritual for something. These women weren't killed, they were sacrificed.

Blood sacrifice rituals were used for great spells that require so much energy and power to perform. We are talking about earth shattering spells that go against every balance of nature. This was his preparation for whatever game he is playing.

Just what was that bastard up to!