Given another chance

Cantel Continent

Beast Barrow Forest

Deep in the night in the outer region of the beast barrow forest, lay an emaciated breathless body of a 12-year-old girl. After a few minutes the body began to twitch, and the organs functions began to start and slowly repair themselves. 

K5 awoke gasping and wincing from the pain coming from all over her body. 

Feeling the cold moist earth touch her body and the sounds of life surround her. She began to slowly sit up.

Before she could even adjust, her head was hit with a piercing pain as memories that didn't belong to her flashed through her head. 

For a moment she was worried that she was still in the clutches of the organization that put her through experiments.

 But she remembered that they were supposed to stop that branch years ago after she almost went insane. 

After calming her mind, she realized that she was no longer in her previous world and wondered if she had been damned by some bitch of a god to face another damn rebirth. 

After silently flipping off the imaginary being in her heart she began to go through her new memories.

 She is currently 12 years old, her new body's father Niel, slept with her mother Lati while out on a trip and had to bring the mother back due to her being pregnant and made her a concubine. The man was already married with a wife Belonice and two children Henry and Mell. 

Lati thought she would live a good life loved by Niel, but she quickly found that wasn't true and became enraged at her unborn child for causing it.

 No one showed up for her birth and she wasn't given a name. The family and servants called her plenty of derogatory words that not even the scummiest of scum should be called. She was beaten daily and fed scraps if anything at all. She had to go out to find garbage or weeds to fill her stomach. 

She liked visiting an old lady who treated her kindly. She was around 6 years old when she first met the old lady Villith, the old lady felt sorry for the girl so she would feed her and teach her things and stories whenever the girl would visit. After realizing the girl didn't have a name, she bestowed the name Shiyana. 

Shiy was excited to finally have a name. She began crying, she was 8 at this time. She had already been facing severe abuse from her family for 8 years now, so she wanted to keep this happy moment between the two of them like a secret. 

In the winter after Shiy's 12th birthday, Villi fell ill and passed away leaving her cottage on the edge of town tucked away in the forest to Shiy. Shiy was devastated, at this point the only source of food and love she got was from Villi and her body was beginning to not be able to take it anymore. She spends the whole day doing her best to make a simple grave in the back yard for her.

From then on, she decided to leave and live in the cottage but on the day, she was going to leave one of the servants told her father about her suspicious activity, so he went to teach her a lesson since he's had a stressful day. 

He had a maid hold her down while he brutally beat her, cursing her for having a whore for a mother and being the bitch born from a whore. Her sibling just stood at the side watching with glee, he hated her haunting gray eyes and couldn't stand the way she would look at him with those dull dead eyes. 

He took it too far this time and realized the little whore was basically dead, so he ordered a servant to throw her in the outer boundary of the beast barrow forest for the animals to feed on. Leaving the poor 12-year-old child to be thrown away like garbage.

 As she lay there she only wished to be loved and cared for in her final moments.

After going through all the information, the current Shiyana cursed quietly under her breath and promised in her heart to let this body live a good life from now on.

 And the first thing she needed to do for that would be find anything to eat in sight. Looking around carefully searching her surroundings, she saw a hearty caterpillar under a leaf and grabbed it and quickly devoured it.

Tasting the wriggling astringent bug burst on her tongue, Shiyanna continued to scrounge the forest floor for more critters to feast on.

 She's not exactly worried about taste right now considering her current condition. Shiy is focused, completely lowering her existence to zero and getting any type of sustenance in her body. 

She spent 2 hours searching and eating anything edible in sight, once she was satiated enough and able to move some more, she hid in a bush and began to decide her next steps. Her body was currently extremely beat up and she needed a safe place to stay to properly heal herself. 

She was currently around an hour away from the house that the old lady had left this body and that was the only safe option at the time. With a sense of where to go Shiyanna continued through the brush only stopping to hide when she heard any rusting.

Shiy spent the next hour and a half making her way to the cottage and avoiding any wandering beasts. Along the way she marveled at the vastness of this place, according to Granny the only way to make it to other towns and cities within a day is to use the warp stations located in every town.

 If you don't then there's no telling when you'll meet another established town or city, it could take 3 or more years if you don't not to mention the strange things out in the wilderness. 

From her current knowledge this world is vast beyond her imagination with plenty of hidden mysteries and powers. 

Just thinking about this gets her blood boiling, in both of her previous lives she had no means or way to do anything with her own will. She was just an object and slave to be used for other people's means. Just thinking about how powerless she felt made he fill with rage. 

Moving on from that depressing line of thought, she went back to her current predicament.

One of the popular forms of practice in this region is magic. Most magicians gather mana in their stomach region and as they continue to accumulate mana and open up their mana veins, they will progress to become stronger. Of course, Magic isn't the only practice its simply one of the ways the inhabitants of this planet use to harness the natural energy in this place.

Thinking about this gave Shiy a few ideas that she was excited to put into play.

Shiy speculated if it could be considered similar to the practice of cultivation that was practiced in one of the records that was given to her. She decided that once she settles, she'll dive deeper and see if that's the case, that is of course if this body is able to withstand mana. 

Up ahead Shiy could finally see the outline of the cottage, sighing with relief she quickly entered into her new home and began to carefully take care of her wounds. Looking around the simple cottage she lamented at how well taken care of the place was. It was a simple abode with a bedroom to the left, the washroom to the left side of the room and the open space with simple furnishings and a stove to cook a meal.

 Remembering to get a better look at her new home later she went back to inspecting herself.

 She couldn't help but cry at the thought of how weak her body is at the moment; she was exhausted beyond repair at the moment.

 Lamenting at having to start from ground zero Shiy couldn't help but get excited, although she has immeasurable amounts of information and skills stored inside her. It doesn't mean that she can do them off the top of her head unless it's a simple everyday skill. Any mystic skill of skills that require precision will need to be vigorously trained.

Shiyanna is currently like a living breathing library from multiple worlds and civilizations. With countless knowledge, she'll still have to read through everything and comprehend it. As nice as that sounds only, she knew the amount of pain and terror she had to be put through in order to gain that knowledge.

She will have to use that information in order to learn how to do new skills and recipes. Shiy is just glad she was given a head start so from here on out she will claw and tear her way to the finish line. She won't allow anyone to have that type of control over her life so she will have to get stronger.

Remembering the kind old lady, she decided to do the best she can in this life to honor her love for her prior host. With that thought, Shiyanna decided to lock down her abode and get a well needed rest for her first night of freedom.