A new Identity

Using the materials she had available she began to write her very first novel, the first of many that will lead to an immeasurable amount of fame that Shiy at the time couldn't even begin to imagine but, that's for a later time.

The element she is writing about this time is fire, it's a versatile element, most only focus on its destruction but forget about its other properties.

A wildfire will bring about new growth after its blazing current has passed through the lands. It brings death but more flouring life in its wake, you could think of it as a phoenix rebirth in a way.

What if you could harness that life aspect of it, wouldn't that breath about an alternative healing element?

Shiyana vigorously wrote going into detail on the duality of the element and to not focus on its one aspect but the aspects of its whole.

The point is to enlighten the reader of aspects they may have never thought of or to go more in depth on the parts they know of.

Either way by the time they're done they will have a more in-depth grasp on the element.

The way Shiyana set it up this book can be read countless times and each time you might discover something new.

So, in all actuality her novels are priceless to the correct person, even someone who does not have the fire element can gain insight from this novel and have a chance in obtaining it as long as they continue to gain insights from this.

She drained her energy channels multiple times to add some engravings into the book.

Her novels can be copied but the copies will never result in the amount of enlightenment her handwritten books have simply because they are almost like spells themselves. Without Shiyana there would not be the energy intertwined within the words allowing the fated person to gain new enlightenment each read.

Not saying it's impossible for it to happen, Shiyana will never claim to be the only one to be able to do what she does. In fact, she understands that if others knew what she knows then they in all likelihood could do what she can.

Confidence will help you rise, while cockiness will get you killed, she saw that plenty of times in her first life and you don't die twice and not take any lessons from them.

Finishing the book, she used some leather and twine she bought earlier to bind the book and engraved the title as "Encompassing the breath of fire" and engraved her alias K5.

Happy with her work she decided to wait until night to see if the Black Hall will take the novel, until then Shiy is going to use this time to relax and take a nap.

Awaking from her blissful nap stretching she glazed out the window and saw it was about time and started working on her disguise.

The last time she was at the Black Hall she was quite literally a bag of bones. Her height has only changed slightly but she's gained some weight.

This time she'll disguise herself under a cloak again, but she'll adapt the voice and mannerisms of an older woman.

With a game plan in place, she set off for the Black Hall. Making her way through the bustling streets Shiyana lamented on how nice it is to walk through a street at night full of laughter and conversation.

It's really little moments like these that remind her that in this life she is free. Moseying her way to the Black Hall she arrived at its well-lit building, Shiy couldn't help but click her tongue at how nice this building is.

Dawdling her way up to the counter she used her best eccentric old woman voice she could muster and asked the gentleman at the clerk desk:

"Pardon me young man, does this establishment happen to take books?"

Looking down at the small bent shape the clerk responded in his customer service voice:

"It depends, Miss, I would have to know more information. if it's nothing we will take then i recommend the bookstore around the way"

Satisfied with his respectful attitude Shiy decided to continue with the sale:

"Ho ho ho, what a fine young lad you are ha ha ha. Well….. My books are indeed a bit special heh. This book here is more suited for fire mages but anyone will do as long as they are fated."

Sliding the book to the clerk he asked:

"Do you mind if I take a look? If it is as you say, I will need to get higher up to make a decision on this matter."

Staring at the young man for a bit, Shiyana slowly nodded at him.

Feeling Jittery from that stare the clerk took a deep breath to calm his nerves before carefully opening the book. As he began to read his eyes lit up with ecstasy, seeing him get deep into the text the clerk couldn't break away.

Seeing his appearance Shiyana snapped and broke him from his trance, although she doesn't mind sharing her knowledge, she currently isn't giving it away for free.

Clearing his throat to contain his excitement before he could react Shiyana had already taken the book back before saying:

'Well young man, what do you think...?"

"Huh? Well, uh yes! Please honored guest, please wait right here! I- I need to go get higher up. I promise I'll be fast!"

Chucking at his clumsy movements, Shiyana decided to take a seat and wait for the big man to come down the stairs.

While upstairs the clerk frantically ran to the office on the top floor.

*knock knock knock knock knock knock- *

"For god's sake WHAT?! Why are you disturbing me at this hour"

"Sorry Sir, but this is urgent. This is something you need to see for yourself i promise you so please come with me"

Pulling his boss downstairs the clerk sighed with relief that he still saw a small figure in the lobby.

"Boss, this is the guest I was talking about"

Scrunching his brows but seeing his shopkeepers excited eyes he decided to give it a go and see what he's so crazy about. Clearing his throat the higher up said:

"Hello dear guest My name is Elliot, I am the head of this branch, my shopkeeper Zen here was telling me that you're here to sell something unique?"

Looking up at the "clerk"

"He is a shopkeeper huh? He's a good lad you got here…. He has a good eye for sure. Where would you like to take a look?"

After finishing her sentence Shiyana gently passed the book to Elliot.

Standing there silently and watching him flip through the pages. Taking an in depth look Elliot looked to be in his early forties with neat brown hair and a tall and sturdy build.

All in all, a good-looking man if she did say so herself.

Seeing the head's eyes light up with fever she knew she had caught him so before he became too engrossed, she snapped her fingers bringing him out of his engrossment.

Back to his senses the Head stared at Shiy with hot eyes in response she said:

"Ohh come on mister Elliot, if you keep staring at me like that, I'll think you'll want to eat me up he he he"

Caught off guard and slightly repulsed just the thought of that sent a shiver up his spine.

He wondered if this is what a maiden feels like? After quickly questioning his life, he came back to his senses and asked:

"How much for this and do you have any more books?!?"

"Well young man.... That all depends… hehe what do you think this is worth?

Taken aback Elliot quickly responded

"This is simply a treasure that can't be measured but I'm willing to offer 100,000 and give you our exclusive black card, with the black card isn't something anyone can get, and it holds with every one of our branches from all continents. You will have access to all kinds of benefits and access to our branch portals not to mention we can provide the most detailed information for your inquiries. I'll even throw in a space ring. Do you happen to have any more books like these?!"

Elliot paused before honestly explaining to Shiyanna,

"If I'm being honest with you.. Something like this is a rare treasure that's typically kept hidden within various powers and families. What I can do is send this to the headquarters and request for a proper payment for value. It's not common and the fund you'll receive will be a currency of a higher continent so it will not be easy to use here.. But I'm willing to put my title on the line to push for that."

Holding his breath praying she'd accept he waited for what seemed like eons. He knew this book would sell for an innumerable price in the higher Continents but as a low continent branch manager, there isn't any more he could offer, or he would. After ten breaths passed by, she finally responded.

"Even though you're shorting me on this deal young man, hehe who am i kidding you couldn't afford this even if you wanted to. There are more surprises in there than you think. You're lucky I like you he hehe. I accept and as far as another book.... Hehe, I'll wait until I feel like it."

Finally releasing their breath Elliot and Zen could barely withhold their excitement. What Elliot didn't know is that his small decision tonight would be the thing that would gain him a trusted friend and take him to unimaginable heights.

Honestly Shiyanna wasn't pressed about the amount received this time. She knew that the money he offered was an honest price. But thinking of something she gave him a quick warning after remembering what he just said.

"I'll be frank with you…. I don't mind if you send this up, but I don't want anyone looking into my personal life and I'm not interested in meeting anyone..."

She began releasing a strong bloodlust at this time filled with rage

"...The one thing I hate… young man… is individuals who don't respect boundaries .... Do you understand me?"

Elliot looked in her direction, visibly pale and trying to hide his tremor. With his best courtesy he could offer he smiled and responded,

"Completely, we at the Black Hall have a strict order to never do anything against the best interests for our esteemed clients for any gain whatsoever unless of course said guests do something against the Black Hall. In order to be in any higher position in the Black Hall all members are required to swear a life and death oath to do so. So esteemed guest you have nothing to worry about, your request and requirements will of course be given to headquarters when I send this up."

Man, Shiyanna was liking this place more and more... So much so that she was wondering what type of person was able to create such a high level of standards that are upheld even in the lowest of continents.

After hearing Shiyana express that she had other things to do, they gave her the ring filled with the silver and the black card. Elliot handed her an envelope listed with the full benefits and a card that will notify her when the payment is ready to be picked up. Before she walked out of the threshold Elliot hurriedly asked:

"Pardon me Esteemed guest may we please get your name?"

Slowly turning to face them she uttered the words "K5" before quickly disappearing from sight.

Apart from her over dramatic exit "K5'' was currently four allies bent over leaning on her knees heaving from exhausting her power to pull that disappearing move.

Shortly after her departure Elliot couldn't wait to send it to headquarters of course not before taking a couple more peeks at it.