The date is set

Catching her breath, she checked her surroundings to make sure no one had followed her before she pulled out the ring and examined it.

 Not taking any risks she quickly did as Elliot explained to her and she bit her finger and dropped some blood on the ring allowing it to recognize her as the master.

Probing inside the ring she could see it was the size of around 20 square feet, so it's enough to hold everyday material and anything she may need for staying in the wilderness. 

Getting that all set up she threw the bank cards and envelope into her ring and headed towards the market to restock her supplies.

Walking through the market Shiy enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the people and families going about their night. 

She's always wondered what it would be like to feel that kind of love and caring from a family but after being sold twice and in this life killed by her family, she feels it's probably best she hasn't. 

If she's being honest, after the past two lives she has lived she has developed a very twisted personality and she has no actual concept of most feelings or proper emotions. Everything she knows is everything she was forced to learn and show, her only emotions she knows all too well are rage and the incomprehensible loneliness she faced.

Not willing to unpack this topic just yet, Shiyanna moved on with her thoughts.

On the topic of family, Shiy thought about this body's family and if she should deal with them but on second thought, she didn't really see the point at the moment.

 But who knows, she hasn't figured out what she wants to do for now so until then they will continue to live.

Moving forward through the well-lit market she saw a vegetable stall and bought a little bit of everything.

 It was a good thing she had asked the black hall to give her the money in silver coins so that she could save herself the trouble of going into the bank to withdraw the funds. 

Pretending to put the produce into her bag but throwing it into the space she continued onto the next stall. 

She doesn't want to use her ring openly for now because she still doesn't know how her strength matches up to her area let alone her current level, so she has no plans on standing out. Not to mention she hasn't seen anyone around use one so they at least for now seem rare.

Continuing through the market she bought more materials to make some more books. She wants to prepare to get enough supplies so she will not need to enter town for a while so she can focus on building her skills on testing some theories she's had.

Buying everything she needed she wanted to stop by the bookstore again to buy more books. She wants more on the current state of affairs, and more books to increase her knowledge on this world. 

She didn't look too deeply before but maybe the old man can point her to where to get some books on magic or magic theory.

stepping through the familiar threshold and seeing the same old man behind the counter still reading a book. Shiy walked up and asked him:

"Hey, I'm looking for some books on magical theory and magic. Do you happen to know where I can find them?"

The old man slightly paused before pointing to an inconspicuous corner, still not looking up. 

Panning her eyes she saw a corner with a singular ten level bookshelf filled with well-kept books lining those shelves. 

You can tell the owner of this store cares for the books due to the pristine condition of all of the books in this bookstore.

 Going to the corner Shiy saw various magic theory books, and a few on the history of magic along with anything on other powers used in this world. 

Her eyes lit up with glee because she found exactly what she wanted.

 Excited, she grabbed what she wanted and quickly put them on the counter before going back to the other shelves and continued to gather more books. 

Quickly filling the counter up, she contently went to check out she asked:

"Excuse me, do you happen to deliver?"

Finally looking up from his book staring deeply into her eyes with his dark eyes before scanning over all her books before landing on her hand.

 His voice no longer monotone but slowly a rough voice full of the vicissitudes of life rang out:

"Cut the crap and save me the time girl and just use the ring on that little finger of yours."

Startled, she met his eyes before a smile rose onto her face and she couldn't help but to laugh.

"You know what old man haha! Can't you at least try to act oblivious. You can't blame a girl for trying hahah anyway, do you have any more magical theory books?"

Looking her up and down: 

"What you see is what I currently have in stock. You can order a request but there's no telling when it will come in. not many people here are interested in theories now and days so it's difficult to find the product"

With a look of disappointment, she quickly paid for her items before putting them into her ring before heading to the door. 

Before she stepped out the door the shopkeeper spoke up and told her that if she's interested that he and some old pals get together once every three months to share theories.

 If she's interested, she can come here in fifteen days and go to the backyard around noon.

Quite interested, she agreed and went home since she had bought enough to last a long time.

 Arriving home she ate a quick bite before immediately heading for the books. She reads at a really fast pace, so she doesn't have to worry about spending months trying to read everything she bought.

 She still needs to take time to write some books and to practice magic and increase her skills.

She knows it takes around 7- 10,000+ silver to use the warp gate to go to the nearest big city depending on the distance. 

There is of course a cheaper option at 3,000 silvers but it's not as steady and has a constant long line that some wait days in. Either way it's considered expensive to warp mainly due to the upkeep on them. Listening to some gossip when she was out, she heard that it's cheaper in more prosperous areas due to the high demand.

She's still deciding if she wants to take the land route to test herself or not. 

Either way she wants to enter into the beast barrow forest to fight beasts to gauge her level. Currently the ranking of the beast is categorized by stars. After the 5th star the beasts will transform into spirit beasts and will start to gain intellect and wisdom.

 She will start with the outer level and work her way in until she meets her limit, making a decision that she will enter the forest after the discussion with the old man and his friends.